Seriously? I'm always dumbfounded by comments such as yours, 'phones cost too much... blah blah blah.'
50 years ago, did people spend $100 a month on cable? $50 a month on internet access? $17k for a new compact car? Prices rise, new services are established, and the world changes. Get over it. I spend far less money on film development than my parents did, as in, no money. My typewriter budget is also minimal compared to my grandmother, hovering at around $0 for quite some time.
Who are you people? Are you a member of an older generation? Bitter, perhaps, that technology has progressed so far, but you no longer have a reason to stay up to date now that you are retired and on a fixed income?
Seriously, tell me who you are, I am really curious. First off, I pay $45 a month for my unlimited smartphone plan. It's my home phone, portable phone, internet on the go, camera, GPS unit, fax machine, portable game system, e-book reader, calendar, note system, document holder, and general work tool. I don't bring a good paperback novel with me, I bring 213 books with me, want to guess what that would cost in checked bag fees?
So, Mr., "serves no real purpose above and beyond what they could be getting for $20 a month," where can I get all that functionality for $20 a month? I can guarantee you, that I am far more frugal than you are... I own my home, I am working on buying my first rental property, and I live off of about $1,000 a month. Did I mention that I'm 26? I have an awesome job, where I travel non-stop that pays well above $1,000 a month, but guess what? I wouldn't have that job if it wasn't for my smartphone, it literally enables me to do my job.
Ohh, and did I forget to mention that my company pays for my smartphone? Actually, they pay a little more than I pay, so I make money on my smartphone plan.
Last but not least, this "spiritually devoid" techie used his smartphone as a bible in church on Sunday. Seriously, it's nice to have my bible with me while I travel without having to lug a large book around the country.