Sunday, July 22, 2012
Save the Children! Civilians, prostrate yourself before the state to save your soul!
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- Jean Lavassaur . . . andtheyshould have toshow thier hunting license to buy a rifle.2 hours ago · 1
- Michelle Fontaine McKinstry Yes Mike well aware that people kill, however i feel that the laws on guns need to be updated. How crazy that he was able to purchase a butt load of ammo on line.
- David Senter Out come the same old fatuous arguments. Billions of people eat without spoons and forks. Noone ever shot anybody without a gun. In the UK we have a total ban on handguns, rifle and shotguns can be owned with a permit. Permits are issued only after vetting by police, including physical inspection of security arrangements - a strong locked cabinet is essential. We have 39 gun deaths per year, the US has 9484. Adjusting for your larger population, 9484 plays 195. And before the other old hoary comes out, that murderers will just use another method, we have no more murders per capita that do not involve guns. As we control all dangerous weapons, including knives and machetes, your common or garden would be murderer would need chopsticks or Mikes spoons!2 hours ago · 2
- Mike Fontaine I believe we have three thousand laws on the books. Criminals will always have access to whatever they want regardless of laws. So we should limit access through law to honest, responsible and law abiding citizens. People kill many ways and have since the dawn of time. Guns are simply more efficient.2 hours ago via mobile
- Steve Sneed The point of the picture is valid: the constitutional admonition about gun ownership was conceived and drafted in a time when 1) everyone needed a gun to survive, both for food and protection in a mostly wild land, and 2) the most modern weapon of the day took over a minute to load one shot, and you had to close your eyes right before you pulled the trigger to make sure a spark didn't blind you. No one in that day had any concept of high-rate-of-fire automatic weapons, or the ability for a nutjob to buy something on the open market that could kill many people in a confined space in a few seconds. If they had, I'm completely certain the 2nd Amendment would have been worded differently... and if they were around today, they would be first in line to get a constitutional amendment to reform the 2nd Amendment to control such weapons.2 hours ago · 2
- Nina Hooked I will never understand why people are so gun happy. How is it good for everyone to have a gun and at the drop of a hat if they get pissed about something they take it out and shoot someone? Can they take that back after they cool off? Nope! Why give them the opportunity in the first place? I try to stay out of discussions like this because sometimes I get carried away and feel it's better to stay out of it but this is something too important not to comment on. Some people have major, major anger issues and the last thing they need is a gun!! It's an accident waiting to happen. And don't use the excuse that we are going to be helpless if the bad guys have a gun and we don't because I am not buying that more guns is better than none. NObody should have a gun. Fight it out with your fists if you have to. Guns are for cowards.2 hours ago · 2
- Steve Sneed They're addicted, Nina. Gun fanatics behave in exactly the same way as hard drug addicts.2 hours ago · 3
- David Senter We have criminals too. Any murders by them are in the 39. Institute proper gun control and get deaths into 3 figures. Allow guns to anybody and suffer deaths in the thousands. And this is te same for other countries that have gun control: Finland 17 deaths per annum, Australis 35 , and many more.2 hours ago · 2
- Terri Bowers Cally 'Atta girl, Nina! Glad you jumped in. I knew we were friends for a reason besides you whipping my ass in Scrabble! xo2 hours ago · 1
- Terri Bowers Cally The facts don't seem to lie, Mike. How do you account for the huge differences in murders?
- Mike Fontaine David I live in a country full of viscous animals. When animal enters my home with the intention of slitting my throat and raping my life, I will jam a fork in his neck if that is all I have available , but I would much rather shoot him center mass with my 357 mag.2 hours ago via mobile
- Terri Bowers Cally I can't believe my son John hasn't chimed in here. He loves his guns. He's napping.
- David Senter I believe that when householders shoot at intruders it is usually the householder who gets killed. Whilst guns are so available to anybody it would not be wise for people to give up their own weapons. When all handguns are banned, and the penalty for being in possession is 5 years in prison, as it is here, then even hardened criminals think very carefully. Some police carry equipment that can identify people carrying concealed weapons, including knives etc. Having guns in your home is also illegal.
- Terri Bowers Cally That's always the question here: How do we get rid of the guns? The argument is always that the law abiding citizens would turn their's in and the criminals wouldn't comply. I don't know the answer to that one.
- David Senter We had an amnesty period during which guns could be surrendered with no questions asked. No doubt that some guns have been retained by criminals. The very low death figure suggests that it is not very many. Go out with a gun and there is a significant chance it will cost you a 5 year sentence. Keep a gun in your home and there is still a smaller chance of the 5 years. Criminals are subject to search warrants if reasonable suspicion exists about them being involved in drugs or stolen goods.
- Nina Hooked Yeah I think it is an addiction but even more I think it's a power trip. Some people need to have and feel power over others and guns are a way to do that. They can go and hold a bank at gunpoint and get money and rob hard-working store owners of their money, etc...and it's easy! They don't have to work for that money. I could go on and on. Guns don't belong in a civilized society. They're as barbaric and uncivilized as wars are. Yes, Terri I am very outspoken and speak my mind and lots of people don't like that but...I don't care that much. lol Hey, you are a good Scrabbler!! :)
- David Senter That treaty is to govern international sale of small arms. Not important in the UK as manufacture and import of handguns are both banned.
The US needs much more than that. You need a total ban to be effective. A handgun is no loss, its only purpose is to kill and maim people - just what needs to be got rid of. - Roy Roane Terri, hon, I have to disagree with you on this one. The Second Amendment was designed so that citizens could defend themselves from the government. This implies that citizens should be able to own weapons equal to those used by our military. Anyone got a used Warthog for sale?
- David Senter I was told by an American lawyer that the second amendment grants the right to bear arms IN A MILITIA. That apart, why are your constitutional rights to protest peacefully without being attacked by police not being upheld?
- Steve Sneed Despite all the time many gun owners spend at the range or in the woods, unless they have military combat experience, they tend to lose it in an actual firefight situation where someone is shooting back or threatening in another manner. The tend also to choose exactly the wrong weapon for their home protection, both from the standpoint of what's best for defense and for what's best in their overall environment. Like people in anything other than a truly rural area that buy high-power pistols, when their best home-defense weapon is a 18-1/2"-barrel 12-ga shotgun with the plug out, loaded with #4 or #6 shot. So when someone brags about his high-powered handgun for home protection, I know that "home protection" is a smoke screen, that he hasn't actually thought about the whole scenario, and that he bought that weapon more to make him feel like a man than to defend his home.
- Roy Roane Steve, I've been trying to tell all these wannabe heroes the same thing. In a situation like Aurora, they think they're gonna draw and take out the perp with one shot, when the reality is their first shot will go into the floor, the second will miss by a mile and they won't get a third because the shooter will put 25 rounds in their direction and that's that. The best thing that could happen is they forget to take the safety off and never get a shot off.
- Roy Roane Steve, btw, I have an 18 and a half in barrel 20 gauge, pistol grip pump gun, unplugged, but I have 00 buck in it.
- Steve Sneed And a prepared perp in ballistic body armor. But that's a very different scenario than home protection.
- Steve Sneed Exactly. Or his legs, also a tough target.
As for home protection, let me tell a true story about my father. You know my family, Roy - we all grew up in the woods; we all used guns regularly. We kept all the guns but one in a safe in the basement - that one was an old Browning "Sweet 16" automatic shotgun that dad kept in the closet next to the bed for home protection. He hadn't shot it in years, when one day a bunch of crows decided to park in the front yard and didn't want to shoo. Dad decided, rather than go downstairs and get something out of the safe, he'd just grab that Browning. So he stepped out the kitchen door, took aim in the middle of the birds and let one go... and forgot that it was an automatic, so when the barrel came up another round went off, blowing a nice little hole in the eve and roof of the house. The point, of course, is that even a lifelong hunter and gun user can screw up, and screwing up with a gun can kill people. Far more people are killed by guns every year accidentally - and by far the biggest sub-group is children.
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