Thursday, January 31, 2013

Rape Whistle?

The Gun Ban of 2013

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Another 3D printer post

3D-Printed Guns: Still Real, Still Not Perfect, Still Unstoppable - Hit & Run :

Gun Violence Hearing (Because humans don't cause violence)

APUFAN_CBS says:Why would we ever seek logical gun violence solutions when we have the emotions to pull on? Our government doesn't give a rats ass about kids: U.S. drones are killing children and terrorizing families abroad. Earlier this year, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism found that 176 children have been murdered in Pakistan alone. And along with drone attacks, an average of 4.8 children are killed per day in Afghanistan where earlier this year, a U.S. sergeant is reported to have killed 9 children. MCLOVIN22 says:Do something that will make a difference. Taking away guns from law abiding citizens is like adding more gun-free zones. For example, the Lone Star University gun shooting a few weeks ago was a gun-free zone. A lot of good it did. Stop passing stupid legislation that does nothing to solve the problem.reply NYYTMAN024 says:Yes end the violence which should include all of Obama's drone strikes that are not just killing "terrorists" but also innocent people including children. But no one cares b/c it's not on our soil! TELLINGDATRUTH says:Yes, it is all the fault of an inanimate object. So by the Logic that Giffords is using. it is the fault of Fork, spoon, and knives companies that fat people are obese in America. I mean they are also using a tool, and they are dying too. So using the exact same logic that it is the tools fault and not the human that is controlling it, oh and since we all know that guns magically kill people with out any human intervention then Forks, spoons, and knives should be banned as well as they kill people by making them fatter. BAN FORKS, KNIVES, SPOONS, LEGOS, HOTWHEELS, CARS, DISTRACTED DRIVING PARENTS, and DWI. They have killed more kids in 1 year then the amount of kids died by gun shot in the last 20. I see how Giffords and the insane right wing think their argument is valid.reply

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Media talking to itself over gun control

Monday, 24 December 2012 23:24 posted by Todd
CNN (communist news network), MSNBC (must say nothing but cr-p), roto-reuters, ABC (absolute bull cr-p), CBS (complete bull sh--) . . . all dingleberries wedged between Soros and Michael Moore’s hinny-cheeks. Yes, they are talking to themselves. Virtually every person I hear talking about news say they no longer listen to the mainstream, as their slant has become so obvious. They’ve completely alienated 75% of their viewership.

Funny that communists who gunned down students in Tiananmen Square speak of murdered students as “tragedy”. People are not allowed to speak a Deng-ping of it in China, yet they rant here about ours.

Saturday, 22 December 2012 10:31 posted by matthew schoech
Rudyard Kipling in 1919 penned his famous, GODS OF THE COPYBOOK HEADINGS, a tongue in cheek critique of the "media". The fifth stanza reads: "When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace. They swore if we gave them our weapons , that the wars of the tribes would cease. But when we disarmed they sold us and delivered us bound to our foe. And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: 'Stick to the devil you know'. Piers Morgan, and the other suck ups to the "Gods of the Market", has no scruples and are traitors to humanity.

WSJ comments

Matthias Prompitoriuos Replied:

Yes, liberty from an ever-intrusive government, free-market capitalism, some measure of fiscal sanity is way too EXTREME. Yearly trillion-dollar deficits, healthcare reform that results in skyrocketing premiums and stagnating innovations, crony-capitalism propping up failed "green-energy" firms owned by political allies, global warming legislation that makes no impact whatsoever on global warming and a general turn toward the leftist, collectivist central-planner statism that failed so spectacularly across the globe at the end of the 20th century are wise, moderate policies that the American people fully support. Democrats are in the driver's seat from here on out-- as long as they can keep convincing minorities and young women how "evil, sexist and racist" the GOP is. I mean, there's certainly no chance that dems will screw up the country so badly that eventually they'll be out of power for years like the early-20th century progressives and the 60's radicals. Nope, they'll surely get it right THIS time.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

TSA false flag?

Constant Tyranny That makes so much sense. Then TSA can be armed. People won't fly, so the government will take over the bankrupt airlines. The mass shooting will increase the need for expensive Chertoff-connected equipment to extend out to the parking lot of airports -- Federalizing the local airports in full. And of course, further false flag terror that will be the final straw to repeal the Second Amendment. It will be like the anthrax false flag that scared politicians into passing the PATRIOT Act without reading its contents. The false flag airport massacre will be the new anthrax. A Liked Reply 36 minutes ago zebageba Save themselves? What cowards. My only hope is that the terrorists target the TSA. A Liked Reply 1 hour ago Matthew Christie Plato called it "the noble lie", a useful myth used to support an engineered society and suppress any individuals that upset the artificial structure of the society. The myth created for the 21st century is the Islamic terrorist threat (within the US this is augmented by the myth of the American patriot terrorist threat). This new myth, which has deprived the West of habeas corpus, institutionalized torture and endless wars, chasing western funded terrorists from one resource rich country to the next while eviscerating the moral authority of the West entirely, has proved a very destructive myth indeed. I suggest we blow this myth out of the water before it blows us off the face of the Earth. Chris Sky I think this is part of a larger scheme by the government..... I believe their REAL purpose is to find a "reason" to ARM the TSA. The gov knows, people dont' like the TSA, nor do they respect them, yet they are popping up in airports, sporting events, train stations, even school proms! The next step is to find "cause" to ARM the TSA. Then Obama would have his "civillian national security force" that's "just as large and as well funded as the military". This will be after they finish the push to take away YOUR GUNS! But remember, government employees will be EXEMPT from the gun ban. ;) Ahh The USA... The Model of implementing a soft 21st century tyranny. Read more: Follow us: @wtcommunities on Twitter Read more: Follow us: @wtcommunities on Twitter

RE: "Thousands March for Gun Kontrol in DC"

Ashau wrote: How neat. How showy. How hip. How myopic! If these thousands of people, orchestrated by Obama and his bobble-heads, really wanted to stop the violence in our society, rather than just push their long standing goal of disarming America’s law abiding citizens, they would be marching against people violence. But, of course, that’s harder and doesn’t give the instant gratification or headlines that gun control does. How superficial and ineffective. But, that’s the hallmark of Obama and his administration.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Why do you "NEED" an AR15 "Baby-Killing Assault Butcherer Rifle Killz Gun"?

allpolishedout guitarken • 5 hours ago − Why does someone need a gun like an AR-15? In all reality, why do people need anything other than food, water and shelter? Why do people need $300 sneakers? Why do you need the latest computer gadgets? Why does anyone need........fill in the blank? An AR-15 is no dangerous than musket or a kitchen knife or a hammer or a pool cue. I have shot an AR-15 and it is a nice gun to shoot. Its like a nice sports car or a fine bottle of wine. The gun is not the problem. The problem is the people of this country, one group or another, are slowing eroding the rights of each and every citizen that lives here. We can't marry who we want, we can't make medical decisions for ourselves, we are forced to pay taxes which are pissed away by politicians that have no respect for the public. All this created by people like you who feel the lack of respect for other peoples rights. Here are some questions that you should ask yourself. Why does a government knowingly allow "assault weapons" to be sold to drug cartels for the use of killing hundreds of innocent people including two of our own but feels our citizens should not have them? Why does our government send arms and money and aid to other countries that hate us yet leaves our own out in the cold, hungry and without shelter? Why does our government continue to spend money we don't have to bail out the rich and stupid only for those debts to be paid back by our children and grandchildren? Why do we need weapons like an AR-15? Because history repeats itself and the silent majority is tired of being regulated and taxed and ruled by the small minded groups that think they know whats best for everyone else. Why do we need an AR-15? To protect ourselves from the criminals that the government won't prosecute and the police are so underfunded that they can't or won't arrest them, because of the spending thing. Why do we need an AR-15? Because this government continues to pass laws in the middle of the night so the people never find out about it until its to late. The Fore Fathers where smart enough to include the second amendment because they feared government. They knew government would slowly create people like yourself to belief government would always know best. We need an AR-15 to protect the country and its freedom and liberty from people like you!