Monday, May 27, 2013
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Defeat of Liberalism...
The only way liberalism will work is if the whole industrial base and technical scientific progress of the species is abandoned, and all humanity return to a primitive state. 3D printing may render the gun control debate moot. And cheap, ubiquitous monitoring of domestic life will move great masses of female citizens through the meat-grinder of family law whereas previously only men were subject to this apparatus. Liberals want a totalitarian world of absolute control, the destruction of the male gender, and the collectivization of all means of production concentrated in the hands of an elite for whom the laws do not apply.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Jack Bauer
Jake Bauer • 4 hours ago −
I do have a question why didnt Obama attend the seal team 6 funeral that crashed in the helo, but sent a musilm cleric which cursed them? any yet he is still allowed to be president. A president that uses death of children to further his agenda while giving kill orders for drone strikes that murder more children since time of columbine to newtown. When we will say enough is enough....
fixerdave aroth • 3 hours ago −
He has lawyer training... scarier than any gun you can print. He deliberately pushed a hot-button at the right time, got the reaction he wanted (international details might have caught him off-guard though), and he's proceeding to the next phase. With his new audience (you), he will play this out for a very long time, pushing more buttons when people get bored. The Feds should have just ignored him, but I guess there was already too much news.
This guy isn't like the NZ guy that built his own cruise missile (and got shut down via some unrelated tax issue). I don't think this guy is in it for the engineering thrill, seems all about politics and a soapbox to spew it.
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It's not about a reason for having it.
Richard Shank fuzzball7 • an hour ago −
It's not about a reason for having it. It's not up to anyone telling you that you can't especially YOU!
It's about the freedom as long as you don't hurt or threaten others but at that point you are a criminal for doing so and can end up using any weapon.
Seriously, who the hell are you to tell me or anyone else that's obeying the laws of the land and not threatening anyone what we can or can not do!
No one has the right to do that especially Feinstein or Obama, and I voted for him.
He only started this gun crap because he doesn't have to run again and I promise you this...Because the Democrats pulled this crap I'll vote anything else other than next time around.
The promise of fixing things was the change and then they have to throw in that same old 60's BS instead of making things right again. Well, no more Jackson...
The Second Amendment isn't going ANYWHERE and you Hippie Generation are about to die out soon of old age anyway so why don't you use your remaining time to pass better Mental Health care laws so these sick people who's been shooting up the place can get some help.
That's the real problem isn't it! I have yet to see or hear about a law abiding gun owner shoot anything except Targets, Hunting and Bad Guys committing a crime.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Monday, May 6, 2013
Well first off, I'd like to see a post link that references the police report about this specific incident. I would not believe everything that I see, and I think credibility is important when it comes to dramatic footage lest we all get picked up and dropped by a large eagle.
What can you draw from this incident? Is the AK-47 really very useful? Consider the worst case scenario: if the suspect w/AK in this incident was truly an awesome marksman he would have needed only two rounds to kill the responding constabulary (assuming that two officers were in the patrol car, we do not know exactly all details as we have no incident report see aformentioned). Instead, he (suspect) discharges seemingly many to little or no effect. In the worst case (the suspect) could have theoretically missed each police officer but nevertheless hit innocent bystanders by his fires, etc. James Gilkerson, the suspect identified as the shooter according to this source, is the only casualty in this incident as I read it. The theoretical potential of the AK's lethality or "defensiveness?", if such a nebulous concept be invoked, does not seem to be maximized by Gilkerson in this incident. See the youtube video which is admittedly dramatic and tragic.
The AK-47 is, like any weapon system, contingent on the user(s) skill and luck to achieve maximum effectiveness. We might arbitrarily define maximum effectiveness as the ratio of bullets fired to persons killed. I've heard the ratio of rifle rounds fired to enemy KIA in Vietnam was something like 250,000 per KIA. Humans seemingly the world over have evolved an innate ability to hide or otherwise take cover when faced with small arms fire. For this and many other reasons then it is actually very rare for a single individual to conduct an attack which results in multiple fatalities even when they have 1. the element of surprise which to a certain extent Gilkerson appears to have had and 2. a powerful means of offense such as an AK-47 type rifle.
Finally, commendations are in order for the local security forces who were able to effectively return fire.
11 minutes ago · Edited · Like
Sunday, May 5, 2013
From Forbes "Meet the Liberator..." comment section...
Dan Cheshire 1 day ago
I suppose it was inevitable. You can make all of the gun laws you want but it will never get all of the weapons off the streets and people will begin to make their own weapons as technology like this begins to evolve. Evolution for ourselves as well as our technology will hopefully remove the violence from our species. For now, the evolution of our technology is outpacing our own evolution. Gun laws will be a start but in the end, helping people to be happier in life will help to eliminate or reduce the violence.
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