Friday, October 18, 2013
RE: Toppling Rocks in State park...
Salt Lake City, UT
It's a sad statement on society these days when personal self-interest and self-fulfillment overrides common sense. Modern American culture, especially here in Utah. It's all about ME.
This valley, and it's unique formations, have survived millions of years and was important enough to society to cordon it off as a state park. And these gentlemen decide to go knock it over for a laugh.
And @liberate, this isn't hearsay or unproven accusations. They posted the video and audio themselves. Then followed up in an interview saying they'd do it again. These are OUR lands. These are OUR monuments and treasures. I think WE have every right to be angry at those who destroy our treasures for a laugh.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
No enemies to the right...
Posted October 11, 2013 at 5:24 am | Permalink
Yes Anti-Fas are almost invariably moderate ectomorphs – the lean Cassius or Iago type given to fanaticism. No match for brawny Fascists in even a moderately fair fight. But remember, combat isn’t about being fair. Fair is a concept from sport or chivalry. Fine if the other side also abides by it. But obvious these don’t and will never. Do we want to be beautiful losers of do we want to win? When the South fought as Gentlemen they lost, but when they fought as desperate masked men, they won. Of course it’s not time for this but it’s a good distinction to bear in mind. They already show the savagery which will only worsen as the times do.
Btw, Bravo! And yes, No Enemies to the Right must become words to live by. They may not all be comrades, but we sure don’t have to trash them to appease the Enemy in bizarre displays of submission. We have to get the Enemy out of our heads first though. More intellectual clarity will help.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Re: Gabby Giffords booed at her NY Gun Show appearance.
The approach she is promoting is ideologically driven, not logically or factually driven. I suspect many of those commenting negatively about those who show opposition to her position would see nothing wrong with booing a representative of the NRA promoting a different view. Even more likely, they would be opposing allowing the NRA representative to speak at all.
Liked By harry.ball.549668
Saturday, October 5, 2013
"world don't owe you a living"
Totentänzerlied's picture
"World don't owe you a living boy."
With my patented irony conversion technology, I can power all of the Indian subcontinent with only the above quotation. All I need is for the author to verify he belongs to the Boomer generation, and presto, the infinite irony is transformed into electrical power with an efficiency of 97.5%!
Friday, October 4, 2013
Get while it's good
silverstein • 2 hours ago −
Millennials are getting creamed by exorbitant tuitions, there are millions of 23 year olds graduating into an empty job market with 6-figure unforgivable debt. Now theyr'e expected to overpay for health care premiums so older smokers and fatties can get it cheap, as boomers hog the jobs and block their upward mobility. Science degrees are worthless because fat cat tech companies import millions of H1-B's. Millennials will never collect a cent of social security, and on top of that will have to pay off Bush's and Obama's debt (read:Boomer entitlements) in the coming decades.
All I can say to non-Millennials is get it while the getting's good and check out with your goodies before it gets really bad.
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