Saturday, December 27, 2014

Excerpts from DOCNYC No Control

So basically the hoplophobic chick's argument isn't based on any fundamental human freedoms premise, nor verifiable ineffacacy of any gun control laws, as testified recently in Sydney a country with one of the most stringent guncontrol fascist infrastructures in the Western world/UK-Commonwealths (I'd challenge any 'liberal' to search"homemade/improvised guns bikie gangs Australia." and yes, the Aussies in an ever Japanime-level-cute actually call 'badass' biKERS as "biKIE" LOL!!).

Nope. Hers is the tired ye ol canard of invoking purely emotive #WhitePrivilege BS-racecard, despite the ironic, tragic hilarity of the fact that 1st gun control law in this country, much like 1st marriage license in US, was to prevent post-Civil War freed blacks from owning guns, for fear that they may hunt down their former masters, and the latter to prohibit interracial marriages.

And of course her other fruitless go-to card of choice, 'wave the bloody shirt' -for political effect: 'when the next SSRI-lunatic goes postal, we'll get our chance to push for gun control...once an utter failure point' yay!

She is a testament as to why the culture at large is turning AGAINST the social engineers.

Plus not sure if the lady is aware of the econ dynamics of a commercially manufactured tangible item that practically lasts forever: no matter how many guncontrol 'laws' the hoplophobes unicorn they can pass, with 100yr+ old companies with customer loyalty, and an entire culture built around it, with saturation of 300million guns (probably more like 500mil+ as any gunowner knows: NO gunowner owns 'just one gun'! LOL) in private hands in America, it's a lost statist cause: there will ALWAYS be more manufactured and already in existence than you can ban them.

The hoplophobes' only other statist recourse is confiscation; if you really want another civil war, go ahead.

Plus endlessly demonizing gun owners who never committed any crimes other than 'offend' your visual sensibilities, but never the actual murderers, feeds into the laughable caricature of a 'liberal' as someone who literally has no clue how the real world works, who constantly blames the tool, but never the direct perpetrator wielding that said tool.

CAR vs the GUN:

Much like how the RINOs & neoKUNTs feign indignance and aghast at a couple of IsIs beheadings; as horrific as the imagery of those beheadings maybe, to their favorite dictator/tyrannical regime & Wall St banksters-friendly financial backers of global terrorism, the House of Saud: that was a Tuesday.

Not to mention compared to what typical Mil
Ind.Complex' Predator drone munition murdering and obliterating collateral damage an innocent Muslim wedding party on the orders of oBUSHma's "Terror Tuesday"-party list, beheading schmeading.

See, to y'all, it's your TV/Film infused, PERCEIVED imagery of what a bullet does to a body vs what a 3000lbs+ moving chunk of metal and plastic on wheels do, that you cannot reconcile: to you, 30,000 killed by guns is INFINITELY GALACTICALLY 'WORSE,' than had 30,000 killed by drunk drivers... even though visually a mangled body in a car wreck (let alone the 1000's innocents murdered via 500lbs ordinance) is often far more gruesome than those killed with sub-half inch diameter flying lead-projectile hole punchers.

Dead bodies are dead bodies: the only thing that matters is whether it was an accident or intentional; if the latter, then whether it was defensively justified or criminally offensive.

To the gungrabbers it's always been their own psychoactive emotive insecurities projected writ large, not reality.

Yes, we 'get' it hoplophobes: you want the entire world to reflect back to you, with your inner most insecurities and erroneous worldviews, just so you don't feel weird anymore.

Well, tough shit: the world ain't never gonna supply you with enough unicorns to fulfill your control-freak quota! xD

also, funny how most hoplophobic liberals are aghast at pro-life protesters showing pictures of their abortionists bloody wiggly still moving fetus handiwork at protests. But nope: victims of violence killed with guns? Why that's a-okay! Wave the proverbial bloody shirt away, yay!

Cody's moneyline: "not here to teach you about how to be good liberals!!"


One of these days, statists are gonna finally learn that you can NEVER de/un-invent the gun powder... especially in a nation founded on overthrowing tyrannical govt, whom the delusional 'liberals' still think is 'their' govt even after NSA illegal spying, massive militarized policestate, DOD 1033 program which actual conservatives and libertarians and actual honest liberals have been screaming about since they began, along with endless wars.

You'd think somewhere between y'all RIGHTFULLY bitching about how FDA's run by BigPharma & Monsatan and how the EPA is run by BigOil, and how SEC is run by Wall St. and how DOD's run by Mil.Ind.Complex and how the banksters run the whole of DC, that y'all statists will finally realize that no homeless man nor a treehuggin' hippie ever wrote, passed, signed into law anything that helps or protects the population at large.

At least the 1960's hippies & 'progressives' actually knew that those NOT in govt (ie: YOU), are NOT govt, and rarely referred to #GovtTerrorists as "our govt."

Seriously how many occupy wall st. protesters and Kelly Thomases of the world must get beat or be shot to death by the GovtTerrorist enforcer class taking actions on behalf of sociopathic nerd commissars, before y'all actually learn to distinguish that guy who is kicking your ass and stealing from you DON'T work for you, and is an ALWAYS stupid idea to empower criminals aka #GovtTerrorists with MORE power??

connect the dots, yet, dear hoplophobic gungrabbers??

Excerpts from DOCNYC Q&A "NO CONTROL":
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