Thursday, August 27, 2015

Ban possession or use of firearms by reporters? A Great start!

I agree with Ms. Costello. Firearms should be in the hands of responsible Americans only. Therefore I support legislation to ban the use or possession of firearms by ex-felonsreporters or ex-reporters and associated "news" staff. Such a law would have prevented this tragedy. I can think of no more irresponsible group --- and no domestic group that is a greater threat to the Constitution than journalists.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Mental Health avenue for Gun Control? Be careful what you wish for...

Universal background checks are Federal gun registration..
Mental health is the avenue to gun control..
It was used to confiscate guns in Eastern Europe prior to WWII..

American Psychiatric Asso: Half of Americans are mentally ill..
After crafting by politicians and Media all will be crazy except for them..

300 million prescriptions for psychiatric drugs were written in 2009 alone..
Your children on medication for ADHD
Single woman with children diagnosed with depression?

Be careful what you ask for…….

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

What manner of human? A leftist progressive...that's who!

What manner of human being would parcel out a baby as though it were a wrecked car in a junk yard? The inhumanity of it is so appalling unthinkable as to render the onlooker speechless... and yet there they sit, dickering to get their best price for a liver or a brain, over their Chianti and brie. How do you not become physically ill at the thought of it? God must have reserved a special place in hell for the lot of them. Someplace in close proximity to the soulless people who eagerly support this infanticide and call it a womans choice.