Wednesday, January 3, 2018

US Civil War II

Glen Filthie Here’s how it will go: It’s obvious, even to the Donks: wherever they come to power, the pattern is always the same. Taxes, costs, crime and unemployment sky-rocket. Real estate values, earnings, and standards of living dive. This will only get worse, the nation’s neo-socialist states have burned through their own money – now they are going to have to pick the pockets of their neighbouring states and countrymen. The failed states will not accept responsibility for their conduct. They will say that they are ‘economically disadvantaged’ and the only FAIR thing to do would be transfer payments from ‘have’ states to the ‘have nots’. Anyone that disagrees with that will be portrayed as un-American, selfish and greedy. Of course this won’t work on a state level, the productive states will merely enact firewalls around their finances to keep the looters out. The end run around will come from the Feds. Look for a future Obama or Clinton to legislate transfer payments at the federal level to ‘save’ poor unfortunate states like Mass. or California. This in turn will probably spawn the rise of a third party and possibly more – and regionalism will start to re-assert itself. People who left those lunatic asylum states because of the shake down will be furious at having it follow them. Talks of secession will begin in earnest and then all the other liberal birds will come home to roost too: “We need your guns, Mr. and Mrs. America! People with guns don’t understand how important our agenda is to the country!” “Cradel to grave welfare! We need to start indoctrinating your kids at a younger age! Don’t ask about retirement or social security – WE’LL take care of that for you!” Then it’s rinse and repeat of the last civil war. The result will be a Balkanization of America and that may or may not be a good thing – it all depends on how far Leftie is allowed to run before he’s hung from a lamp post.