Tuesday, August 27, 2019

My racism fatigue grows.

Aug 26
My racism fatigue grows.

Whites shouldn’t have to prove the negative that they are not racist. In fact, the majority of white people are not racist. White Guilt is a racket.

It’s a con game. Some white people generalize all white people as racists, then they absolve and isolate their own whiteness by confession and absolution, then distance it from the “racist whites” by disassociation. I think there are few things as racist as admitting to your perceived supremacy/privilege and publically sacrificing it for those who, you assume, need your help. “The oppressed peoples need me. They need a white advocate because they’ll never be able to do it on their own.”

White people who take it upon themselves to shout out for “people of color” are displaying a form of white supremacy that stems from the long-dead idea that whiteness constitutes a moral authority. However, White America confessed its sins way back in 1964 when the Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act. This admission of past wrongs caused White America to relinquish its claim on moral authority, and redistribute that power among the minority citizens of the U.S. The result was Welfare, Affirmative Action, and a new form of racism; Antiracism Racism. Also known as Justifiable Racism.

Systemic racism is gone from everyday society — segregation only happens on college campuses and is self-inflicted — but believe it or not, people are making a shit ton of money keeping racism alive. Political donations in the name of eradicating racism must be in the billions every election cycle. (Please note that this article I’m responding to is behind the paywall.)

Systemic racism took a hit in 1964, and it’s been steadily dying ever since, but individual racism still exists among an ignorant minority of all colors; White racists still exist and Black racists still exist and Brown racists still exist — racism will always exist, the world will never all be one race and one color. When I was in the military in the eighties, I thought racism only applied to “Whitey,” but some of the harshest racism I saw was Blacks shunning other “light-skinned” Blacks. They had lost their purity because, somewhere in their ancestry, there was a cracker in the woodpile and they were shamed because of it.

Involuntary celibacy is the most likely common denominator of idiots who shoot into crowds. Stop giving shooters publicity and legalize prostitution.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Beto Orourke ArkaNSAS gun show