6:24 AM CDT
I never cease to be amazed by the rather truculent, name calling commentary of posts I see; the subject touched, but the main interest is in debasing those who disagree ... it is the same for this issue on gun control. Those who oppose guns do not care about them, have no interest in them and just jump on the "bandwagon" as a matter of course. It has nothing to do with tragedy, tragedy is merely the excuse for supporting anti-gun laws. Name calling of gun supporters, owners, political affiliations, personal attacks are simply puerile; statements made by those with little ability to communicate rationally - including those of a scrofulous nature. I am a Korean vet, 78 years old and an independent voter; having at one time been a Democrat or Republican, I have seen very little to admire in either party: I see the Tea Party attempting to do something useful and being ridiculed, chastised, belittled and aspersed for their effort. Both sides in this issue can provide rationals for their position; however, those who oppose this issue do so from a position of personal or close tragedy, personal dislike or fear of guns, or merely to support their political party, affiliation, or organization. Gun control should not exist as an issue for Americas. We are a country born of the gun, and unenforceable laws only punish the innocent - prohibition has proved that fallacy. Gun owners just want their guns, those who do not, can always find a rationale to fight against them ... the whole thing, we should all be fighting for, whether you like guns or hate them, is support of the Second Amendment, one of our freedoms, one of the rights we have as Americans. We are seeing America, land of the free and home of the brave, being overrun by laws, regulations, rules - Americans being governed by the government ... what has happened to government by the people, for the people?
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