Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The goal...

This guy gets it. He knows the agenda. It's turds like this that want to turn the world into a great big Orwellian dystopia. Only the UK can produce such idiots. Perdition to conspirators! And Sic semper tyrannis!

11 September 2013 6:15pm

First, the gun safety movement is not about "grabbing" guns. We appreciate traditional American gun culture grounded in hunting and shooting sports. We are not looking to take away any guns except the military-style weapons that were covered by Senator Dianne Feinstein's assault weapons bill and high-capacity magazines.

There is no such thing as a "safe" gun, although it's convenient and practical to begin with the military-styled assault guns popular with the most lunatic fringe of the US firearm-obsessives.

The goal is a peaceful, disarmed society where the means of violence, criminality and hooliganism have been secured in the sole custody of the State, to prevent disruptive and disordered elements from opposing socially necessary change.

Is it really worth lying to ourselves and others that the goal is less than the ideal of civilian disarmament in the US?

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