Saturday, May 24, 2014

this is the fault of gun rights advocates?

Right, this is the fault of gun rights advocates. Never mind that he stabbed half the people he killed, and most of the people in the hospital he ran down with his car - it's still a mass SHOOTING, not a mass stabbing or a mass hit-and-run, or just a mass murder. No, it's guns that are responsible, obviously. Never mind that he purchased his guns legally in California, meaning that he passed a universal background check, could only buy guns on the state's "safe" handgun list, had to register his guns, and had to go through a 10-day waiting period. Also, in compliance with California law, he didn't have even one single high (read "standard") capacity magazine. The truth is that California has passed every single gun control wish-list law ever conceived (except those already ruled unconstitutional), and yet all of them together, even when obeyed, as every single one was in this case, do exactly squat to prevent a psychopath from killing people. Get a clue morons; it's not guns, it's psychos who want to kill lots of other people - just like the one who also killed 3 people (with a gun) in Belgium today, where the gun laws are far more restrictive than anywhere in the US.

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