Friday, December 25, 2015
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Monday, December 21, 2015
Las Vegas Black Chick runs into crowd of white folks
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Monday, October 12, 2015
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Ban possession or use of firearms by reporters? A Great start!
Friday, August 14, 2015
Mental Health avenue for Gun Control? Be careful what you wish for...
It was used to confiscate guns in Eastern Europe prior to WWII..
American Psychiatric Asso: Half of Americans are mentally ill..
After crafting by politicians and Media all will be crazy except for them..
300 million prescriptions for psychiatric drugs were written in 2009 alone..
Your children on medication for ADHD?
Single woman with children diagnosed with depression?
Be careful what you ask for…….
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
What manner of human? A leftist progressive...that's who!
Monday, August 3, 2015
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Kurt on Gun-control's bad faith...
Gun Rights Advocates Have A Devastating New Argument Against Gun Control. Here It Is.
Written by Kurt Schlichter
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Planned Parenthood Video Shocks the moral conscience of the Nation
Saturday, July 4, 2015
When you are wrong will you admit you are wrong?
Economists Anti-gun talking points shot down...
To put some of the anti-gun talking points in context, let's consider VT. This state has the most permissive gun laws in the U.S. They also have the lowest gun homicide rate in the U.S. Compare this troubling data point with cities such as Washington D.C. and Chicago, with the most restrictive gun laws in the U.S. and also the highest gun homicide rates in the U.S. These observations shoot big holes in that talking point (pun intended). (source: FBI stats)
Despite several recent record-breaking years in gun sales, the gun homicide rate in the U.S. is down 49% since 1993 (source: Pew Research). Those talking points aren't sounding so good anymore, are they?
Most gun homicides are concentrated among black males and urban populations in the U.S. where, in general, gun ownership rates are lower than rural areas with less diversity. Uncomfortable as these trends are, they are real and backed up by decades of FBI statistics, not to mention real life experiences by people like me who live in an American city. The message here is that gun violence is not a product of permissive gun ownership laws. They are a product of urban living factors and such trends as children born into poor, broken families with no positive adult role models. If you want to turn the tide on this, we need more mentors and more programs that encourage responsible child-rearing and lead to stable, two-parent families where education is emphasized to children as they grow up.
Gun homicide and suicide rates are higher in the U.S. than most of Europe? Really? Well, please tell me about the part of Europe that Economist excluded in their analysis? Right there you have an admission by Economist that they cherry-picked the data to get the result they wanted. Anyone trained in econometrics and quantitative methods will be disgusted before they get 3 paragraphs into this article. Distributing such faulty analysis and misleading information is not helpful to anyone and shows the naivety and ignorance of the author.
If any of the anti-gun talking points were true, the life span of a gun owner in the U.S. would be very short. Yet one can visit a gun range and find hundreds of responsible gun owners, none of which know anyone personally who was the victim of gun violence. That's because of the non-uniformity of gun violence I described above. If you want to solve a problem, you need to get to the root cause, and none of the ideas peddled by Economist or the anti-gun movement in general come even close.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Repeal the 2A?
Friday, May 29, 2015
Going still further...
Sharon Weinberger, State Dept. Stooge: Hating Russia is an official stamp...
The bio page on the TI website mentions her history at Wired magazine, her writing at Slate, her contributions to the BBC, ‘Nature’ journal and her work on a history of DARPA. Quite groovy for a defense tech writer.
However, it doesn’t mention that she has come to The Intercept having been flung out centrifugally from the revolving door between the State Dept Foreign Service; a defense industry corporation who work under the DARPA umbrella called System Planning Corporation; writing and editing warmongerer’s wank mags like Defense Daily and Defense Technology International; and a dominant pro-military ‘think tank’ The Center for Strategic and International Studies. [This last one is interesting for anyone who has followed Dov Zakheim in his contribution to the PNAC document ‘Rebuilding America’s Defenses’ and his role as comptroller for Bush junior at the Pentagon (2.3 trillion missing?). Weinberger co-wrote a paper with Zakheim titled ‘Fortress Europe’ (2000) that suggests in its conclusions (amongst other things) the push for closer relationship between the EU and NATO – the like of which we see today supporting a neo-fascist regime in Ukraine.]
I guess there is no evidence in any of that to prove that Sharon Weinberger is compromised in her reporting here, but I think that it is good to know someone’s bio when they write pieces like this , and for a publication (TI) with statements like the following in their ‘about’ section:
Our long-term mission is to produce fearless, adversarial journalism across a wide range of issues. The editorial independence of our journalists will be guaranteed. They will be encouraged to pursue their passions, cultivate a unique voice, and publish stories without regard to whom they might anger or alienate. We believe the prime value of journalism is its power to impose transparency, and thus accountability, on the most powerful governmental and corporate bodies, and our journalists will be provided the full resources and support required to do this.
Monday, May 11, 2015
We already live in a Police state...
Friday, April 17, 2015
AMD still the one...
Re:Sadly, I don't see an "out" for AMD (Score:5, Insightful)
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Only...indoor militias...
Congrats, You fit the profile!
Congratulations, you fit the profile, you are part of the problem you set out to attack in your article. The answer to your last question how can so many Americans be behind both more guns and more background checks is simple. We know guns are dangerous, we don't want to get rid of them but we would like to make sure they're staying out of the hands of people who again and again we find out should never have had access.
You cannot open a rational debate with a school massacre of small children by an outsider, conflate every school shooting with that level of violence, and then say "but I'm the rational one." 99% of school shootings are an extension of violence in already happening in the neighborhood. They are crime related. That's not to say we should write them off, but the way to handle them is entirely different from the way we should handle things like Newtown. One is about someone who has gone off their rocker, and should have been in a mental institution and the other is about day to day policing and efforts to keep our youth from participating in crime at all.
Not happy there you blithely sensationalize the green tip 5.56 round the ATF wanted to ban under a handgun law. The problem here is no rational person would call it a handgun round. It is a rifle round with a few very expensive custom made pistols for it. It really isn't anything more than a regular 22 caliber round with more oomph in the cartridge. The same caliber as the popular plinking round kids learn on. It has no special armor piercing properties other than its speed. That would be the black tip round which is both rare and already restricted to military use only. Furthermore under this argument you'd have to ban all rifles and all rifle ammunition as they all have the same or better characteristics where body armor is involved. To make this even more insane, body armor has advanced since the bill was passed in the 1980's and can now stop rounds like the 5.56 green tip.
I know it all seems like low hanging fruit, but one of the perks of having so many bad black rifle thingys floating around your society is that the society tends to understand how they work much better.
As to talking to stupid people about what women need for protection, why not try talking to the survivors, while they aren't all together on whether they should carry, I am sure they will object to being called "young, hot little girls" and I am just as sure you could have found a less sensational quote that didn't paint every gun owner as a mental loon.
You know who else won't rest no matter how far they go with guns the Brady Campaign, they won't rest until guns are outright banned or legislated so badly that they are effectively banned. Interestingly enough you have pretty much stolen their arguments and printed them as your own.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Comparative suffering
On August 15, 2014 at 12:56 am, Paul Nathanson said:
Excellent article. Too bad the author needed to explain (and implicitly apologize for) even mentioning the problems of men. Nothing will improve in relations between the sexes until we succeed in undermining identity politics, which relies on the pervasive belief in what I call “comparative suffering.” I say this for two reasons. First, there’s no reliable way to measure human suffering. Because suffering has many causes, not one, people can suffer in very different ways. Moreover, suffering is highly subjective and highly influenced by cultural expectations; it’s not quantifiable. Second, comparative suffering is inherently dehumanizing, because it allows one group to trivialize other groups and to exploit those other groups in order to score political points (that is, claiming the coveted prize of victim status). Men and women need to respect each other, not to compete with each other–and certainly not to trivialize or attack each other.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Jade Helm
Read more:
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Sunday, March 22, 2015
Reverse the flow of life.
The "expediency" of terrorism ...
Monday, March 9, 2015
Homo on March 8, 2015 at 8:32 pm
Speaking of the “call of the wild,” I don’t think there’s anything as natural as a man and a woman raising children together. I’m gay but I have the self awareness to realize that. Furthermore, I don’t carry the childish resentment that many feminists and lesbians have against “the patriarchy” – I think at their core most gay men are with me on that. As Camille Paglia said “Heterosexual love is in sync with cosmic forces. Not everyone has the stomach for daily war with nature.”
Your fantasy about “opening your wings” is rightly tempered by your understanding that it is “fucking lonely.” There’s many a night when I drive home from work and wish I had a wife to great me with a hot meal or one of my kids run up to the door to show me his report card. Men being men, once the sexual sizzle dies out of a relationship there’s not a whole lot to sustain it… that’s where the sustenance of filial love comes in to create a full and meaningful life through your progeny.
That said I do believe the natural eccentricity of gay men and the attendant loneliness does foster the distinct and very potent creativity you see in this population. Acceptance of homosexuality goes hand and hand with decadence; as negative as the connotation of that mode of cultural expression is I’d take it any day over a dour, repressive and overly serious theocracy… I mean Islam … the boring geometric non-representational art, the total disregard for fashion (those burqas, ugh!). Same goes for the tacky Jesus iconography and drippy sentimentalism of what passes for much mainline protestant Christianity.
America’s #1 export is its pop culture and gay men have proven to be most exquisite tastemakers in that regard… I guess I’m just saying America is successful because it does embrace it’s misfits to a degree.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Convicted Felon don't mean shit...
It should be very complicated for any government entity to tell an American citizen he/she cannot sell their own personal property.
"CONVICTED FELON" sounds armed and dangerous however one should investigate what is now a state jail felony. Just about anybody can be a felon from simple possession of a controlled substance, trespass (Once a tort), then there is a financial problem and a father or ex husband cannot pay court ordered support to name a few.
Prison for profit and the so called "Family Code" reform of 1996 have done a lot to disarm America and of course the media beats the freedom drum always mentioning "CONVICTED FELON."
We the people are manipulated, lied to, spied on, our rights are being restricted and called privileges while our ruling elite routinely commit fraud, lie, abuse power, misuse government funds and resources and nobody says a word.
The voters even go so far as to re-elect these self serving egotists.
The words, convicted felon, do not signify a murderer, rapist or child molester anymore.
No, nowadays your convicted felons are mostly DUI, controlled substances, check fraud, criminal nonsupport, easy convictions as the offenders usually have no defense money so, guess what.
The convicted felon who should be feared will have an arm even inside the prison but the SCOTUS does not care about that because the real criminals never followed the law in the first place.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Feminist writers are so besieged by online abuse that some have begun to retire?
2/20/2015 11:28 PM CST
So let me clarify. Some people, men, white men that have every advantage are in reality complete failures and the lowest of the low, losers of the lowest order,bottom dwellers are somehow threatening and oppressing other people, professional feminist, ideologues many of which make a lucrative living pontificating on gender politics in well funded media outlets?
Well thankfully for these feminist have brave selfless online personae such as yourself that seek to save these damsels in distress from the grime fate of being subjected to criticisms and dissenting words of disagreement and even "shock" anger bellowed out by the nasty hobgoblins, evil inhabitants the bowls of the internet... Is this synopsis about right?
Now please who again is suffering from privilege and a sense of entitlement? Because I can pretty much guarantee that the fantastical neck bearded basement dwelling demons of whom you fantasize about slaying are projections of your own need to be seen as a useful protector and defender. Think a little about an article that in function encourages the behavior is asserts to be condemning? Who publishes a piece that essential says our ideological enemy is winning, that their tactics of intimidation are working? I oppose almost everything sensationalistic feminist are doing but I'm unable to view them with such utter disdain as so foolish and utterly stupid. Although I oppose them in nearly everything but I respect their intelligence enough not to see them as victims in a media format in which they are so clearly masters.