Monday, March 9, 2015


Homo on March 8, 2015 at 8:32 pm

Speaking of the “call of the wild,” I don’t think there’s anything as natural as a man and a woman raising children together. I’m gay but I have the self awareness to realize that. Furthermore, I don’t carry the childish resentment that many feminists and lesbians have against “the patriarchy” – I think at their core most gay men are with me on that. As Camille Paglia said “Heterosexual love is in sync with cosmic forces. Not everyone has the stomach for daily war with nature.”

Your fantasy about “opening your wings” is rightly tempered by your understanding that it is “fucking lonely.” There’s many a night when I drive home from work and wish I had a wife to great me with a hot meal or one of my kids run up to the door to show me his report card. Men being men, once the sexual sizzle dies out of a relationship there’s not a whole lot to sustain it… that’s where the sustenance of filial love comes in to create a full and meaningful life through your progeny.

That said I do believe the natural eccentricity of gay men and the attendant loneliness does foster the distinct and very potent creativity you see in this population. Acceptance of homosexuality goes hand and hand with decadence; as negative as the connotation of that mode of cultural expression is I’d take it any day over a dour, repressive and overly serious theocracy… I mean Islam … the boring geometric non-representational art, the total disregard for fashion (those burqas, ugh!). Same goes for the tacky Jesus iconography and drippy sentimentalism of what passes for much mainline protestant Christianity.

America’s #1 export is its pop culture and gay men have proven to be most exquisite tastemakers in that regard… I guess I’m just saying America is successful because it does embrace it’s misfits to a degree.

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