On August 15, 2014 at 12:56 am, Paul Nathanson said:
Excellent article. Too bad the author needed to explain (and implicitly apologize for) even mentioning the problems of men. Nothing will improve in relations between the sexes until we succeed in undermining identity politics, which relies on the pervasive belief in what I call “comparative suffering.” I say this for two reasons. First, there’s no reliable way to measure human suffering. Because suffering has many causes, not one, people can suffer in very different ways. Moreover, suffering is highly subjective and highly influenced by cultural expectations; it’s not quantifiable. Second, comparative suffering is inherently dehumanizing, because it allows one group to trivialize other groups and to exploit those other groups in order to score political points (that is, claiming the coveted prize of victim status). Men and women need to respect each other, not to compete with each other–and certainly not to trivialize or attack each other.