Old OddJobs4 months ago
Oh good, here comes Haidt the "moderate" leftist now LARPing as a "centrist" to pathologize those who regard being replaced in their own countries by Muslims and Africans as an catastrophic injustice. He's the ultimate managerial android - the exercise of POWER never factored in to his condescension.
Monday, April 10, 2017
Sweden and Multicult creating new third worlds...
Freyjä Moøn3 months ago (edited)
He completely left out the fact that other cultures refusing to assimilate actually does create real threats to the host society and a break down of its values.
For instance, what is happening in Sweden this very moment, they are committing cultural suicide and their country is going to be a third world nation by 2030.
It's not just a racist reaction to brown people, which is how he makes it sound, it's a rational reaction to the recognition of the destabilization of your country and what holds it together and provides that nice progressive and prosperous way of life.
As he said in the beginning, cultures in parts of Africa and the Middle East do not share the same values as us. Flooding them in en masse with zero expectation of integration is just asking for a whole slew of problems, you are importing those anti-thetical values into your country.
Not only this, but we see in America the issue of creating mini nations within our nation. Entire communities exist separate from the majority and they often seclude themselves and cling to their cultural identity which in turn causes them to become angry and resent the host population and this causes a lot of issues as well.
And don't even get me started on identity politics.
I think he's missing the idea of multi-culturalism and the genuine ways that it can dismantle a nation and just writing off the justified fear of that as racism, which only solidifies the delusions of the left who will continue to scream racism when that isn't the issue.
People generally don't care if they have a multi-ethnic population, as long as the values are shared and the way of life is upheld. When that begins to be threatened the way it is right now, people develop issues with it.
Under Obama we just went full speed ahead with these leftist policies with no balance or consideration at all for the other half of the country and that has caused this absolute mess we are seeing now.
We need to encourage balance again, the left and the right need to find a way to coexist and work together in spite of differences if we expect to avoid falling apart.
And I am a leftist too by the way, but I have a conservative family so I am rather familiar with their arguments and I get where they are coming from and its certainly not from racism. They are sick of having their values and way of life demonized and attacked, Obama did this to the middle class throughout his entire presidency and now race relations are awful.
He completely left out the fact that other cultures refusing to assimilate actually does create real threats to the host society and a break down of its values.
For instance, what is happening in Sweden this very moment, they are committing cultural suicide and their country is going to be a third world nation by 2030.
It's not just a racist reaction to brown people, which is how he makes it sound, it's a rational reaction to the recognition of the destabilization of your country and what holds it together and provides that nice progressive and prosperous way of life.
As he said in the beginning, cultures in parts of Africa and the Middle East do not share the same values as us. Flooding them in en masse with zero expectation of integration is just asking for a whole slew of problems, you are importing those anti-thetical values into your country.
Not only this, but we see in America the issue of creating mini nations within our nation. Entire communities exist separate from the majority and they often seclude themselves and cling to their cultural identity which in turn causes them to become angry and resent the host population and this causes a lot of issues as well.
And don't even get me started on identity politics.
I think he's missing the idea of multi-culturalism and the genuine ways that it can dismantle a nation and just writing off the justified fear of that as racism, which only solidifies the delusions of the left who will continue to scream racism when that isn't the issue.
People generally don't care if they have a multi-ethnic population, as long as the values are shared and the way of life is upheld. When that begins to be threatened the way it is right now, people develop issues with it.
Under Obama we just went full speed ahead with these leftist policies with no balance or consideration at all for the other half of the country and that has caused this absolute mess we are seeing now.
We need to encourage balance again, the left and the right need to find a way to coexist and work together in spite of differences if we expect to avoid falling apart.
And I am a leftist too by the way, but I have a conservative family so I am rather familiar with their arguments and I get where they are coming from and its certainly not from racism. They are sick of having their values and way of life demonized and attacked, Obama did this to the middle class throughout his entire presidency and now race relations are awful.
Sunday, April 9, 2017
theshadowbrokers: Don’t Forget Your Base
Apr 8
Don’t Forget Your Base
Dear President Trump,
Respectfully, what the fuck are you doing? TheShadowBrokers voted for you. TheShadowBrokers supports you. TheShadowBrokers is losing faith in you. Mr. Trump helping theshadowbrokers, helping you. Is appearing you are abandoning “your base”, “the movement”, and the peoples who getting you elected.
Good Evidence:
#1 — Goldman Sach (TheGlobalists) and Military Industrial Intelligence Complex (MIIC) cabinet
#2 — Backtracked on Obamacare
#3 — Attacked the Freedom Causcus (TheMovement)
#4 — Removed Bannon from the NSC
#5 — Increased U.S. involvement in a foreign war (Syria Strike)
The peoples whose voted for you, voted against the Republican Party, the party that tried to destroying your character in the primaries. The peoples who voted for you, voted against the Democrat Party, the party that hates, mocks, and laughs at you. Without the support of the peoples who voted for you, what do you think will be happening to your Presidency? Without the support of the people who voted for you, do you think you’ll be still making America great again? Do you be remembering when you were sitting there at the Obama Press Party and they were all laughing at you? Do you be remembering when you touring the country and all those peoples believed in you and supported you? You were those peoples hope. How do you be thinking it will be feeling when those people turn on you? Will they be laughing at you, hating you, and mocking you too?
TheShadowBrokers doesn’t want this to be happening to you, Mr. Trump. TheShadowBrokers is wanting to see you succeed. TheShadowBrokers is wanting America to be great again. TheShadowBrokers acknowledging, we don’t be having all the inside information you do, things might look different inside the bubble. TheShadowBrokers is having suggestion. Maybe you be making YouTube video is in order, to be explaining to your voters, your supporters, you didn’t fuck them all over. Because from theshadowbrokers seat is looking really bad. If you made deal(s) be telling the peoples about them, peoples is appreciating transparency. But what kind of deal can be resulting in chemical weapons used in Syria, Mr. Bannon’s removal from the NSC, US military strike on Syria, and successful vote for SCOTUS without change rules? Mr. Trump whose war are you fighting? Israeli Nationalists’ (Zionist) and Goldman Sachs’ war? Chinese Globalists’ and Goldman Sachs war? Is not looking like you fighting the domestic wars, the movement elected you to be fighting. You not being in office three months and already you looking like the MIIC’s bitch with John McCain and Chuck Schumer double dutch ruddering each other in the corner over dead corpses.
Mr Trump, we getting it. You having special empathy for father whose daughter is killed. We know this is root cause for anti-illegal immigrant policy. Illegal immigrant shoot man’s daughter in San Francisco. Now is Syrian man daughter killed by chemical gas. We agree its needless tragedy. But tragedies happening everyday and wars endangers all the children not just Syrian.
Mr President theshadowbrokers would like to be making some suggestion regarding why you were being elected, is just being friendly reminders.
Your Supporters:
- Don’t care what is written in the NYT, Washington Post, or any newspaper, so just ignore it.
- Don’t care if you swapped wives with Mr Putin, double down on it, “Putin is not just my firend he is my BFF”.
- Don’t care if the election was hacked or rigged, celebrate it “so what if I did, what are you going to do about it”.
- Don’t care if your popular or nice, get er done, Obama’s fail, thinking he could create compromise. No compromise.
- Don’t want foreign wars, Do want domestic wars, “drain the swamp”, “destroy the nanny state”
- Don’t care about your faith, you sound like a smuck when you try to say god things
- DO support the ideologies and policies of Steve Bannon, Anti-Globalism, Anti-Socialism, Nationalism, Isolationism
TheShadowBrokers is having some other suggestions.
If Globalism is being so cool and awesome, why all the peoples come to only one country, American? Isn’t that being opposite of globalism? If globalism shouldn’t all peoples be staying in own countries and America be exporting culture and ideas to them? If cultures, beliefs, and philosophies of Africa, Asia, and India is being so cool and awesome, why isn’t everyone immigrating there? Because its not and they aren’t. European or Western Culture has proven is being best and most dominant, nothing to do with skin colors, white, brown, yellow, but is having to do with being red. No not red communism, red as in blood. European ancestors did the work, the thinking, the rebelling, the fighting, the killing, and the dying. Sometimes they being on rite side of history and sometimes not, but result is being great culture and society. “But, America is nation of immigrants!” Yes, but until 30 years ago most immigrants being Europeans. Jeudeo-Christian Europeans minor cultural differences. Don’t bring the world to America, bring America to the world. America first. English first. American workers first. American students first. American culture first.
White Privilege
Dear Americans, do you seek black privileged, reparation, and free shit? TheShadowBrokers is having program for you, is calling it the “Obama Ticket.” The U.S. government will be setting aside 1 Trillion, made up, borrowed from ourselves, debased Federal Reserve dollars to be sending any American resident, who wishes, regardless of skin color, on an all expense paid, permanent trip to Africa. Be telling your friends. Be telling your family. Be taking as many of them (friends and family) with you. Some condition be applying, accepting an Obama Ticket automatically revokes your Unites States citizenship, your are not being allow to return, for one generation, no exceptions. Call 1–800–555–1212
Socialist Collectivism
Africa not being for you. Do you liking socialism? Collectivism? Are all animals equal, but some animals more equal than others? Do you like wearing black? Then maybe the Socialist Workers Paradise of North Korea is for you. Please call the same number above and select menu option #2.
For peoples still being confused about TheShadowBrokers and Russia. If theshadowbrokers being Russian don’t you think we’d be in all those U.S. government reports on Russian hacking? TheShadowBrokers isn’t not fans of Russia or Putin but “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” We recognize Americans’ having more in common with Russians than Chinese or Globalist or Socialist. Russia and Putin are nationalist and enemies of the Globalist, examples: NATO encroachment and Ukraine conflict. Therefore Russia and Putin are being best allies until the common enemies are defeated and America is great again.
President Trump, theshadowbrokers is offering our services to you and your administration. Did you know most of theshadowbrokers’ members have taken the oath “…to protect and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic…”. Yes sir! Most of us used to be TheDeepState everyone is talking about. But we realized TheDeepState is being the enemy of the constitution, individualism, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. With the right funding we can recruit some of the best hacker intel peoples in United States and world. “Unmasking” is being new buzz word, so we use. TheShadowBrokers is being happy to unmask anyone we considering to be an enemy of the Constitution of the United States. Enemies like John McCain. Something doesn’t rub theshadowbrokers rite about Vietnam War POW who at every opportunity seeks to do violence to others via the proxy of young service men and women. If anyone should be being pacifist, slow to pick fight it should be being former POW. TheShadowBrokers is sure if we “unmasking”, Senator McCain, Magog itself might come out, many defense contractors, Saudi Princes, and possibly little Vietnamese boy he shares with Senator Lindsey Graham, not cool! Mr. Trump we know you are having DOJ and FBI, so why you be needing theShadowBrokers? You don’t, but theshadowbrokers is confused. Why haven’t you served search warrant to NYT, Washington Post, Goldman Sacks, Jeff Bezos, and all other Globalist for investigation and prosecution of treason, sedition, and un-American activities during a time of war? The Alien and Sedition Act? A Un-American Activites commitee? Doing so, you could be seizing all their IT systems, freeze their financial assets, arrest key leadership. Every American is innocent until proven guilty and has the right to fair trial by jury, but investigation and trials take a really really long time and is being very difficult to run a business and make money for shareholder when FBI and DOJ has all your IT systems.
Mr. President Trump theshadowbrokers sincerely is hoping you are being the real deal and that you received this as constructive criticism toward #MAGA. Some American’s consider or maybe considering TheShadowBrokers traitors. We disagreeing. We view this as keeping our oath to protect and defend against enemies foreign and domestic. TheShadowBrokers wishes we could be doing more, but revolutions/civil wars taking money, time, and people. TheShadowBrokers has is having little of each as our auction was an apparent failure. Be considering this our form of protest. The password for the EQGRP-Auction-Files is CrDj”(;Va.*NdlnzB9M?@K2)#>deB7mN
But we’d still be happy to accept donations to further the cause. 19BY2XCgbDe6WtTVbTyzM9eR3LYr6VitWK
Apr 8
Don’t Forget Your Base
Dear President Trump,
Respectfully, what the fuck are you doing? TheShadowBrokers voted for you. TheShadowBrokers supports you. TheShadowBrokers is losing faith in you. Mr. Trump helping theshadowbrokers, helping you. Is appearing you are abandoning “your base”, “the movement”, and the peoples who getting you elected.
Good Evidence:
#1 — Goldman Sach (TheGlobalists) and Military Industrial Intelligence Complex (MIIC) cabinet
#2 — Backtracked on Obamacare
#3 — Attacked the Freedom Causcus (TheMovement)
#4 — Removed Bannon from the NSC
#5 — Increased U.S. involvement in a foreign war (Syria Strike)
The peoples whose voted for you, voted against the Republican Party, the party that tried to destroying your character in the primaries. The peoples who voted for you, voted against the Democrat Party, the party that hates, mocks, and laughs at you. Without the support of the peoples who voted for you, what do you think will be happening to your Presidency? Without the support of the people who voted for you, do you think you’ll be still making America great again? Do you be remembering when you were sitting there at the Obama Press Party and they were all laughing at you? Do you be remembering when you touring the country and all those peoples believed in you and supported you? You were those peoples hope. How do you be thinking it will be feeling when those people turn on you? Will they be laughing at you, hating you, and mocking you too?
TheShadowBrokers doesn’t want this to be happening to you, Mr. Trump. TheShadowBrokers is wanting to see you succeed. TheShadowBrokers is wanting America to be great again. TheShadowBrokers acknowledging, we don’t be having all the inside information you do, things might look different inside the bubble. TheShadowBrokers is having suggestion. Maybe you be making YouTube video is in order, to be explaining to your voters, your supporters, you didn’t fuck them all over. Because from theshadowbrokers seat is looking really bad. If you made deal(s) be telling the peoples about them, peoples is appreciating transparency. But what kind of deal can be resulting in chemical weapons used in Syria, Mr. Bannon’s removal from the NSC, US military strike on Syria, and successful vote for SCOTUS without change rules? Mr. Trump whose war are you fighting? Israeli Nationalists’ (Zionist) and Goldman Sachs’ war? Chinese Globalists’ and Goldman Sachs war? Is not looking like you fighting the domestic wars, the movement elected you to be fighting. You not being in office three months and already you looking like the MIIC’s bitch with John McCain and Chuck Schumer double dutch ruddering each other in the corner over dead corpses.
Mr Trump, we getting it. You having special empathy for father whose daughter is killed. We know this is root cause for anti-illegal immigrant policy. Illegal immigrant shoot man’s daughter in San Francisco. Now is Syrian man daughter killed by chemical gas. We agree its needless tragedy. But tragedies happening everyday and wars endangers all the children not just Syrian.
Mr President theshadowbrokers would like to be making some suggestion regarding why you were being elected, is just being friendly reminders.
Your Supporters:
- Don’t care what is written in the NYT, Washington Post, or any newspaper, so just ignore it.
- Don’t care if you swapped wives with Mr Putin, double down on it, “Putin is not just my firend he is my BFF”.
- Don’t care if the election was hacked or rigged, celebrate it “so what if I did, what are you going to do about it”.
- Don’t care if your popular or nice, get er done, Obama’s fail, thinking he could create compromise. No compromise.
- Don’t want foreign wars, Do want domestic wars, “drain the swamp”, “destroy the nanny state”
- Don’t care about your faith, you sound like a smuck when you try to say god things
- DO support the ideologies and policies of Steve Bannon, Anti-Globalism, Anti-Socialism, Nationalism, Isolationism
TheShadowBrokers is having some other suggestions.
If Globalism is being so cool and awesome, why all the peoples come to only one country, American? Isn’t that being opposite of globalism? If globalism shouldn’t all peoples be staying in own countries and America be exporting culture and ideas to them? If cultures, beliefs, and philosophies of Africa, Asia, and India is being so cool and awesome, why isn’t everyone immigrating there? Because its not and they aren’t. European or Western Culture has proven is being best and most dominant, nothing to do with skin colors, white, brown, yellow, but is having to do with being red. No not red communism, red as in blood. European ancestors did the work, the thinking, the rebelling, the fighting, the killing, and the dying. Sometimes they being on rite side of history and sometimes not, but result is being great culture and society. “But, America is nation of immigrants!” Yes, but until 30 years ago most immigrants being Europeans. Jeudeo-Christian Europeans minor cultural differences. Don’t bring the world to America, bring America to the world. America first. English first. American workers first. American students first. American culture first.
White Privilege
Dear Americans, do you seek black privileged, reparation, and free shit? TheShadowBrokers is having program for you, is calling it the “Obama Ticket.” The U.S. government will be setting aside 1 Trillion, made up, borrowed from ourselves, debased Federal Reserve dollars to be sending any American resident, who wishes, regardless of skin color, on an all expense paid, permanent trip to Africa. Be telling your friends. Be telling your family. Be taking as many of them (friends and family) with you. Some condition be applying, accepting an Obama Ticket automatically revokes your Unites States citizenship, your are not being allow to return, for one generation, no exceptions. Call 1–800–555–1212
Socialist Collectivism
Africa not being for you. Do you liking socialism? Collectivism? Are all animals equal, but some animals more equal than others? Do you like wearing black? Then maybe the Socialist Workers Paradise of North Korea is for you. Please call the same number above and select menu option #2.
For peoples still being confused about TheShadowBrokers and Russia. If theshadowbrokers being Russian don’t you think we’d be in all those U.S. government reports on Russian hacking? TheShadowBrokers isn’t not fans of Russia or Putin but “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” We recognize Americans’ having more in common with Russians than Chinese or Globalist or Socialist. Russia and Putin are nationalist and enemies of the Globalist, examples: NATO encroachment and Ukraine conflict. Therefore Russia and Putin are being best allies until the common enemies are defeated and America is great again.
President Trump, theshadowbrokers is offering our services to you and your administration. Did you know most of theshadowbrokers’ members have taken the oath “…to protect and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic…”. Yes sir! Most of us used to be TheDeepState everyone is talking about. But we realized TheDeepState is being the enemy of the constitution, individualism, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. With the right funding we can recruit some of the best hacker intel peoples in United States and world. “Unmasking” is being new buzz word, so we use. TheShadowBrokers is being happy to unmask anyone we considering to be an enemy of the Constitution of the United States. Enemies like John McCain. Something doesn’t rub theshadowbrokers rite about Vietnam War POW who at every opportunity seeks to do violence to others via the proxy of young service men and women. If anyone should be being pacifist, slow to pick fight it should be being former POW. TheShadowBrokers is sure if we “unmasking”, Senator McCain, Magog itself might come out, many defense contractors, Saudi Princes, and possibly little Vietnamese boy he shares with Senator Lindsey Graham, not cool! Mr. Trump we know you are having DOJ and FBI, so why you be needing theShadowBrokers? You don’t, but theshadowbrokers is confused. Why haven’t you served search warrant to NYT, Washington Post, Goldman Sacks, Jeff Bezos, and all other Globalist for investigation and prosecution of treason, sedition, and un-American activities during a time of war? The Alien and Sedition Act? A Un-American Activites commitee? Doing so, you could be seizing all their IT systems, freeze their financial assets, arrest key leadership. Every American is innocent until proven guilty and has the right to fair trial by jury, but investigation and trials take a really really long time and is being very difficult to run a business and make money for shareholder when FBI and DOJ has all your IT systems.
Mr. President Trump theshadowbrokers sincerely is hoping you are being the real deal and that you received this as constructive criticism toward #MAGA. Some American’s consider or maybe considering TheShadowBrokers traitors. We disagreeing. We view this as keeping our oath to protect and defend against enemies foreign and domestic. TheShadowBrokers wishes we could be doing more, but revolutions/civil wars taking money, time, and people. TheShadowBrokers has is having little of each as our auction was an apparent failure. Be considering this our form of protest. The password for the EQGRP-Auction-Files is CrDj”(;Va.*NdlnzB9M?@K2)#>deB7mN
But we’d still be happy to accept donations to further the cause. 19BY2XCgbDe6WtTVbTyzM9eR3LYr6VitWK
"It’s not about typical corruption, it’s about the government making decisions while telling most of the public to fuck off."
David Cearley
David Cearley
Jan 19
Lessig, I believe you’re misinterpreting people’s anger. People recognize that corruption exists in a government headed by either party, and that’s not really what they’re angry about. They’re upset that government has increasingly been making decisions completely divorced from the costs and impacts of their decisions. For example under this administration, the EPA began making decisions without regard to the financial impact of their decisions. The IRS chose to target conservative political advocacy organizations and slow walk their non-profit applications. Reams and reams of regulations were dictated by the executive branch. While income inequality is skyrocketing and the labor participation rate is at it’s lowest in four decades, government concentrated on enforcing complex rules only large companies can afford to comply with. The trillion spent on stimulus went to fortune 50 or fortune 500 enterprises, or public sector unions. shelved for How about the decision on a pipeline that meets all current legal requirements, and running to a refinery that just completed a five billion dollar upgrade was shelved for years, and then disallowed, was nixed solely because the president decided that the country (which runs on oil), no loger needs the stuff.
Virtually everything done in the past eight years has suppressed small business growth, suppressed borrowing (by punishing banks that actually make consumer and commercial loans), vastly increased compliance costs, exacerbated youth and minority employment, and in general been hostile to all but the most politically connected multi-billion dollar corporations. University campuses have become hotbeds of bullying and censorship, a law intended to protect women’s access to school athletics has morphed into a tool to force schools to adjudicate sexual assaults and rape while trampling on the rights of the accused. Entire police departments have been labeled as racist based on statistical sampling, and junior highs have had their funding threatened if they don’t open their girl’s locker rooms to transexuals with penises. Let’s not forget the Catholic Church being forced to fund birth control. These are simply examples of the federal government making decisions with complete disregard of tens of millions of citizens. It’s not about typical corruption, it’s about the government making decisions while telling most of the public to fuck off.
David Cearley
Jan 19
Lessig, I believe you’re misinterpreting people’s anger. People recognize that corruption exists in a government headed by either party, and that’s not really what they’re angry about. They’re upset that government has increasingly been making decisions completely divorced from the costs and impacts of their decisions. For example under this administration, the EPA began making decisions without regard to the financial impact of their decisions. The IRS chose to target conservative political advocacy organizations and slow walk their non-profit applications. Reams and reams of regulations were dictated by the executive branch. While income inequality is skyrocketing and the labor participation rate is at it’s lowest in four decades, government concentrated on enforcing complex rules only large companies can afford to comply with. The trillion spent on stimulus went to fortune 50 or fortune 500 enterprises, or public sector unions. shelved for How about the decision on a pipeline that meets all current legal requirements, and running to a refinery that just completed a five billion dollar upgrade was shelved for years, and then disallowed, was nixed solely because the president decided that the country (which runs on oil), no loger needs the stuff.
Virtually everything done in the past eight years has suppressed small business growth, suppressed borrowing (by punishing banks that actually make consumer and commercial loans), vastly increased compliance costs, exacerbated youth and minority employment, and in general been hostile to all but the most politically connected multi-billion dollar corporations. University campuses have become hotbeds of bullying and censorship, a law intended to protect women’s access to school athletics has morphed into a tool to force schools to adjudicate sexual assaults and rape while trampling on the rights of the accused. Entire police departments have been labeled as racist based on statistical sampling, and junior highs have had their funding threatened if they don’t open their girl’s locker rooms to transexuals with penises. Let’s not forget the Catholic Church being forced to fund birth control. These are simply examples of the federal government making decisions with complete disregard of tens of millions of citizens. It’s not about typical corruption, it’s about the government making decisions while telling most of the public to fuck off.
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