Freyjä Moøn3 months ago (edited)
He completely left out the fact that other cultures refusing to assimilate actually does create real threats to the host society and a break down of its values.
For instance, what is happening in Sweden this very moment, they are committing cultural suicide and their country is going to be a third world nation by 2030.
It's not just a racist reaction to brown people, which is how he makes it sound, it's a rational reaction to the recognition of the destabilization of your country and what holds it together and provides that nice progressive and prosperous way of life.
As he said in the beginning, cultures in parts of Africa and the Middle East do not share the same values as us. Flooding them in en masse with zero expectation of integration is just asking for a whole slew of problems, you are importing those anti-thetical values into your country.
Not only this, but we see in America the issue of creating mini nations within our nation. Entire communities exist separate from the majority and they often seclude themselves and cling to their cultural identity which in turn causes them to become angry and resent the host population and this causes a lot of issues as well.
And don't even get me started on identity politics.
I think he's missing the idea of multi-culturalism and the genuine ways that it can dismantle a nation and just writing off the justified fear of that as racism, which only solidifies the delusions of the left who will continue to scream racism when that isn't the issue.
People generally don't care if they have a multi-ethnic population, as long as the values are shared and the way of life is upheld. When that begins to be threatened the way it is right now, people develop issues with it.
Under Obama we just went full speed ahead with these leftist policies with no balance or consideration at all for the other half of the country and that has caused this absolute mess we are seeing now.
We need to encourage balance again, the left and the right need to find a way to coexist and work together in spite of differences if we expect to avoid falling apart.
And I am a leftist too by the way, but I have a conservative family so I am rather familiar with their arguments and I get where they are coming from and its certainly not from racism. They are sick of having their values and way of life demonized and attacked, Obama did this to the middle class throughout his entire presidency and now race relations are awful.
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