Socialist Democrats, their surrogate organizations, and complicit ,media continue to try and make it appear that ALL whites and Trump supporters are racists along with anyone else who isn't black. Truth is there are racist among every race towards people of any other race. A great deal of violence directed towards others has been done by persons of racist persuasion. Opportunistic politicians play upon the marketing of a racist narrative for their own benefit despite the cost and division to America.
To even insinuate such ridiculous idea is completely cold and irresponsible. I am a psychologist, what we're seeing here is what MSM and the democrats have done to the country. To even suggest that millions of people are mentally ill is so irresponsible. MSM is the enemy people, we need to expose them for what they did to the country. My heart is broken, and these kinds of articles drives a stake into it further. Thanks a lot MSM, I hope you all rot in hell
10 hours ago
What a sneaky little article on Yahoo trying to tie the Alt Right to Nazi's while they have another story called "Unmasking the Antifa" saying they are doing violence in the name of peace! What a crock of bull......shit!