Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Decline of the USA by Rick Fischer

Decline of the USA

The near future of America is coming into focus. Several recent elections have seen Democrats win in districts and states which went heavily Republican in the last election. If Republicans keep choosing such poor candidates, they will and deserve to lose.
If Democrats do take the Congress in November, the swing seats will likely have been decided by small margins in tight races. The Pennsylvania district just went to the Democrat by only 641 votes, two tenths of a percent. But the small number of swing votes in each district and state upon which a Democrat sweep will depend will produce an enormous change in government out of all proportion to their vote margins.
Democrats will take control of all House and Senate committees and the leadership of both Chambers. They will immediately stop all investigations of official corruption during the Obama administration. And the House will vote to impeach the President the minute Mueller indicts Trump for some technical process crime having nothing to do with Russia. The merit of the indictment is irrelevant; it will only exist to trigger impeachment. That Democrats want all of those things to happen says it all about the descent of American politics into disregard of law and into the abuse of the agencies of justice for political purposes.
Border security and immigration reform will be dead issues. A Democrat majority will never fund a wall and never reform legal immigration, and without those concessions Trump will never sign any Democrat bill legalizing illegals, let alone granting them citizenship. That is an unavoidable and insurmountable impasse. New migrants will continue to choose the quick and easy illegal route, and their numbers will continue to rise. We will continue as a nation effectively without secure borders.
Congress will send up scores of bills that will never be signed by the President, just as happened in Obama’s last term. So health care will not be changed. As it is now is how it will remain.
In the longer term, beyond the disfunction of our government, the fragmentation of our society is also well advanced and will continue. #BLM says it all about the collapse of race relations. #MeToo and LGTBQ and Third Wave say it all about the coming collapse of gender relations. For all its faults, the #Occupy movement spotlighted the entitlements and privileges of the rich elite over the rest of us, and how much the rest of us (but never them) suffer from their get-rich-quick schemes.
Not only has our society fragmented into warring camps along identity and ideological fault lines, the camps are themselves breaking into ever smaller factions in conflict with each other. Social cohesion is disappearing and will eventually be unrecoverable. The unifying view that we are all Americans and all equally deserving of voice and consideration is evaporating. Visit our campuses and then try to deny that. Disunity is praised and even encouraged under the guise of diversity.
Disfavored identity groups (you know who you are) are less deserving of voice and consideration and more deserving of disadvantage and retribution. Special advantages or special impediments based on identity are increasingly finding their way into law and government policy. The assurance that punishment follows conviction is giving way to punishment follows accusation, trial unnecessary, depending on one’s identity. Every person’s identity now affects their own standing before government and law.
I think it is painfully obvious, though diehard Progressives will disagree, that all of those dynamics, every last one of them, are driven by the certainty among the liberal Left that all those means are the right and proper means to rescue America from the hated conservative Right. And what a wonderful society we will eventually be when all those dynamics proceed to their inevitable conclusions, as described in all our literature of Dystopia. Their real conclusions in the real world of real people, that is, not in the fantasy world of the Progressive Utopia of angels.
And so the Founders were correct: the American Experiment will die by suicide.

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