Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Monday, August 27, 2018
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Monday, August 20, 2018
Friday, August 17, 2018
(((moldberg)))made me do it
(((moldberg)))made me do it
August 17, 2018
So lemme see if i got this straight.
The minorities that use language similar that against jews in nazi era germany against whites within jew controlled media academia and NGOs in the west today,should be forgiven because they are only status signalling the Brahim whites.And so really whites just brought this on themselves? In fact since whites still have all the power it is the only way nonwhites can gain entry to the cathedral of elites.
And quillette is different from The daily beast or a Ivy league class exactly how?
I don’t know who you morons are trying to fool, yourselves undecided whites, cucks,? But you’re not fooling anyone but the already fooled.Whites going back a thousand years at least have has a status signal called graciousness,noblesse oblige,paternalism.Like our christian beliefs and many of our less old traditions like enlightenment values these were slyly corrupted over the decades by cultural middlemen jews to serve their own purposes. This canard that all progressivism is the same is simply another jewish misinformation campaign. Whites are indeed a progressive race the only progressive race, as builders we ever seek refinements even in our civilizational foundations. within the european premodern isolation this was an advantage.It expanded the usable human capital defrictionalized class struggle, higher trust allowed larger more complex civilizations and economies.Ans this attracted of course the parasitical race.Having pushed too far too often this parasitic race over the ages refined a sort of insidious reinterpretation of european values.You can tell the difference from brahmin leftism and jew leftism easily. The brahin variety is always seeking to improve something, to relieve suffering, increase justice. The jew variety is always wrecker leftism. Oh its often got a white progressive cover but when looked at carefully you see that’s the bait the jews use to lure in the white camouflage while the real work is wrecking.Examine any leftist cause you will note some worthy ideal that is put out front and which the whites involved will earnestly believe and sound convincing in its promotion, then you will see in the fine print, in the law suits, in the money trail what the real aim is.
Imagine if the new york times had just hired Andrew Anglim for its new editor after a decade of ever increasingly militant pieces on Jew privilege,the problem with Rachel’s,- oh we could write volumes on the jew owned media 100 year campaign on european civilization> would Quillette be so sanguine and thoughtful.You’re fooling yourselves and the cucks you’re married to, but we have reached that point the eternal return where jews have again overreached their talent and are about to be routed.There’s no way this civil war doesn’t happen you’re undone by our good will and your treachery.You have engineered hundreds of millions of low IQ high aggression third worlders and turned the east asians against us (and yeah for the record Asians are signalling to get into the elite its just not whites they are signalling its jews) So while the vast majority of whites dont understand its jews behind this, the war will start out as red/blue and quickly devolve into white non white.The bloodshed worldwide will be historical armageddon will be an understatement and its all on the hands of those who engineered such a immoral and stupid idea as multiculturalism in the west and only the west. So that blood after it is over will have to be accounted for, even though it will be mostly third world blood because whites are quite capable once they get down to business, once that business is over they will demand an accounting and there’s just o way in hell in that environment where there is no longer a control on thought an speech that jew crimes will not come fully to light.Trust me israel if it still exists at all will be more of an easy target than a refuge.
There is only one way and only one way to avoid this fate for all mankind. jews change course 180 degrees and begin to use all the power and wealth they now use against whites in favor of white nationalism.yeah its not going to happen but dont say you weren’t given a chance. currently you have the moral authority and power and wealth to declare yourselves white and guilty of the treason you are and sincerely admit and apologize as a few of you have and use the same jew lawyering and fast talking to unwind multiculturalism in the west not stop it but completely reverse it. This could be done humanely all the non whites could be repatriated legally at least if not more legally as they were brought in. But only if jews were on board.without them it will be civil war, because whites have no choice the call is for our extinction. i realize you think we are going gently into that good night you always do and you’re always wrong.If it goes the hard way I for one will vote to have every last jew no matter what percent eradicated from the earth. On the other hand if you were by some miracle to find your italian roots i would stand with those of you wishing to become white.
August 17, 2018
So lemme see if i got this straight.
The minorities that use language similar that against jews in nazi era germany against whites within jew controlled media academia and NGOs in the west today,should be forgiven because they are only status signalling the Brahim whites.And so really whites just brought this on themselves? In fact since whites still have all the power it is the only way nonwhites can gain entry to the cathedral of elites.
And quillette is different from The daily beast or a Ivy league class exactly how?
I don’t know who you morons are trying to fool, yourselves undecided whites, cucks,? But you’re not fooling anyone but the already fooled.Whites going back a thousand years at least have has a status signal called graciousness,noblesse oblige,paternalism.Like our christian beliefs and many of our less old traditions like enlightenment values these were slyly corrupted over the decades by cultural middlemen jews to serve their own purposes. This canard that all progressivism is the same is simply another jewish misinformation campaign. Whites are indeed a progressive race the only progressive race, as builders we ever seek refinements even in our civilizational foundations. within the european premodern isolation this was an advantage.It expanded the usable human capital defrictionalized class struggle, higher trust allowed larger more complex civilizations and economies.Ans this attracted of course the parasitical race.Having pushed too far too often this parasitic race over the ages refined a sort of insidious reinterpretation of european values.You can tell the difference from brahmin leftism and jew leftism easily. The brahin variety is always seeking to improve something, to relieve suffering, increase justice. The jew variety is always wrecker leftism. Oh its often got a white progressive cover but when looked at carefully you see that’s the bait the jews use to lure in the white camouflage while the real work is wrecking.Examine any leftist cause you will note some worthy ideal that is put out front and which the whites involved will earnestly believe and sound convincing in its promotion, then you will see in the fine print, in the law suits, in the money trail what the real aim is.
Imagine if the new york times had just hired Andrew Anglim for its new editor after a decade of ever increasingly militant pieces on Jew privilege,the problem with Rachel’s,- oh we could write volumes on the jew owned media 100 year campaign on european civilization> would Quillette be so sanguine and thoughtful.You’re fooling yourselves and the cucks you’re married to, but we have reached that point the eternal return where jews have again overreached their talent and are about to be routed.There’s no way this civil war doesn’t happen you’re undone by our good will and your treachery.You have engineered hundreds of millions of low IQ high aggression third worlders and turned the east asians against us (and yeah for the record Asians are signalling to get into the elite its just not whites they are signalling its jews) So while the vast majority of whites dont understand its jews behind this, the war will start out as red/blue and quickly devolve into white non white.The bloodshed worldwide will be historical armageddon will be an understatement and its all on the hands of those who engineered such a immoral and stupid idea as multiculturalism in the west and only the west. So that blood after it is over will have to be accounted for, even though it will be mostly third world blood because whites are quite capable once they get down to business, once that business is over they will demand an accounting and there’s just o way in hell in that environment where there is no longer a control on thought an speech that jew crimes will not come fully to light.Trust me israel if it still exists at all will be more of an easy target than a refuge.
There is only one way and only one way to avoid this fate for all mankind. jews change course 180 degrees and begin to use all the power and wealth they now use against whites in favor of white nationalism.yeah its not going to happen but dont say you weren’t given a chance. currently you have the moral authority and power and wealth to declare yourselves white and guilty of the treason you are and sincerely admit and apologize as a few of you have and use the same jew lawyering and fast talking to unwind multiculturalism in the west not stop it but completely reverse it. This could be done humanely all the non whites could be repatriated legally at least if not more legally as they were brought in. But only if jews were on board.without them it will be civil war, because whites have no choice the call is for our extinction. i realize you think we are going gently into that good night you always do and you’re always wrong.If it goes the hard way I for one will vote to have every last jew no matter what percent eradicated from the earth. On the other hand if you were by some miracle to find your italian roots i would stand with those of you wishing to become white.
Sunday, August 12, 2018
What matters is financial risk burdens...
Michael Harrington Phil Ostrand • 20 days ago
Yes, but these are false arguments and the inevitable consequences of relying on false arguments. What matters is not income and wage comparisons but financial risk burdens. Private sector workers assume the risks of retirement and health care while as taxpayers they also assume those risks for public sector employees who receive risk free pensions and healthcare. This difference is far greater in monetary terms than income differentials. That injustice is what will end and no false arguments over comparative pay will stop it. Risk of loss is what matters.
And Senor Ostrand is wrong about teachers' pay. I can pretty much guarantee that there were no teachers in 1960 earning the equivalent of $90,000 in today's dollars, and no superintendents making a quarter million adjusted for the times, either.
Scott Walker understood that government unions in general and teachers' unions specifically want to make more than the average private worker and have ALL of the risk of changes to pensions and health care costs put on the private sector. That's thuggery. Imagine going in to negotiate a contract with someone who took the attitude that the contract would be set up so that only you would have any risk, and that THEY would have nothing but benefits and no chance of risk. You'd walk away from the table. That's what we need to start doing to these people.
Michael Harrington no mo uro • 20 days ago
Yup, "heads we win, tails you lose" is the definition of economic immorality.
Douglas Proudfoot Phil Ostrand • 20 days ago
If you don't like the Electoral College, feel free to amend the Constitution to make the popular vote binding in the election of a president. Read Article V. You need 2/3 of the House and 2/3 of the Senate to vote for your amendment. Or you need a Convention of the States to propose your amendment. Either way, then you need 3/4 of the state legislatures to ratify it.
Let me cut to the chase. You have no way on Gaia's green earth of passing such an amendment. Also there's no way a Trump appointed Supreme Court will find a penumbra that eliminates the Electoral College. We won by the rules. You can't change them legally. In an insurrection, we have all the guns plus the commander in chief, so you still lose. Get used to it. Quit whining.
JB Phil Ostrand • 19 days ago
"You are warned"...or what?
You really think you and your kind have the stomach for a real fight?
That you would throw away the "antiquated" electoral college because your "side" lost is a testament to how ignorant you are. The electoral college is why we have the longest running representative republic in the history of mankind. It's what separates us from all of the other forms of government and makes the American miracle possible. Your public service unions have been drunk on taxpayer largess for over 30 years. It's time for all of you to produce value for your compensation like the rest of us.
Carry On
Yes, but these are false arguments and the inevitable consequences of relying on false arguments. What matters is not income and wage comparisons but financial risk burdens. Private sector workers assume the risks of retirement and health care while as taxpayers they also assume those risks for public sector employees who receive risk free pensions and healthcare. This difference is far greater in monetary terms than income differentials. That injustice is what will end and no false arguments over comparative pay will stop it. Risk of loss is what matters.
And Senor Ostrand is wrong about teachers' pay. I can pretty much guarantee that there were no teachers in 1960 earning the equivalent of $90,000 in today's dollars, and no superintendents making a quarter million adjusted for the times, either.
Scott Walker understood that government unions in general and teachers' unions specifically want to make more than the average private worker and have ALL of the risk of changes to pensions and health care costs put on the private sector. That's thuggery. Imagine going in to negotiate a contract with someone who took the attitude that the contract would be set up so that only you would have any risk, and that THEY would have nothing but benefits and no chance of risk. You'd walk away from the table. That's what we need to start doing to these people.
Michael Harrington no mo uro • 20 days ago
Yup, "heads we win, tails you lose" is the definition of economic immorality.
Douglas Proudfoot Phil Ostrand • 20 days ago
If you don't like the Electoral College, feel free to amend the Constitution to make the popular vote binding in the election of a president. Read Article V. You need 2/3 of the House and 2/3 of the Senate to vote for your amendment. Or you need a Convention of the States to propose your amendment. Either way, then you need 3/4 of the state legislatures to ratify it.
Let me cut to the chase. You have no way on Gaia's green earth of passing such an amendment. Also there's no way a Trump appointed Supreme Court will find a penumbra that eliminates the Electoral College. We won by the rules. You can't change them legally. In an insurrection, we have all the guns plus the commander in chief, so you still lose. Get used to it. Quit whining.
JB Phil Ostrand • 19 days ago
"You are warned"...or what?
You really think you and your kind have the stomach for a real fight?
That you would throw away the "antiquated" electoral college because your "side" lost is a testament to how ignorant you are. The electoral college is why we have the longest running representative republic in the history of mankind. It's what separates us from all of the other forms of government and makes the American miracle possible. Your public service unions have been drunk on taxpayer largess for over 30 years. It's time for all of you to produce value for your compensation like the rest of us.
Carry On
Saturday, August 11, 2018
Pam Dice Walter Pazik • 20 days ago
Shocker - the stats on the population around DC are frightening. Parasites and opportunists.
The hucksters who gravitate to government employment are a dangerous lot - as we now see.
The DNC by definition, is the party of expansive, thunderous, oppressive governance.
Trumpets hijacked the GOP from the globalists and money men - who conspire with the left to keep a steady flow of cheap labor necessary to suppress wages.
Oh, how I hate the Federal Government. I want Trump appointed Emperor, not just President.... with a title that is passed to sons and daughters.
What will we do in 7 years? How do we replace this wonderful man? I have never loved a politician - our family talked about this on July 4th ... we all felt pretty much the same.
WE LOVE DONALD TRUMP - and won't lose him without a street fight.
Shocker - the stats on the population around DC are frightening. Parasites and opportunists.
The hucksters who gravitate to government employment are a dangerous lot - as we now see.
The DNC by definition, is the party of expansive, thunderous, oppressive governance.
Trumpets hijacked the GOP from the globalists and money men - who conspire with the left to keep a steady flow of cheap labor necessary to suppress wages.
Oh, how I hate the Federal Government. I want Trump appointed Emperor, not just President.... with a title that is passed to sons and daughters.
What will we do in 7 years? How do we replace this wonderful man? I have never loved a politician - our family talked about this on July 4th ... we all felt pretty much the same.
WE LOVE DONALD TRUMP - and won't lose him without a street fight.
public sector greed
no mo uro • 20 days ago
VDH gets most of it, but he leaves out the #1 thing that fuels TDS - public sector greed.
Trump represents the beginning of the end. In two generations the percentage of working Americans who have their income stream funded directly by the government or by regulations which create artificial demand has quadrupled with no appreciable increase in the quantity or quality of the things that government is supposed to do. Tens of millions (and their spouses) depend on no-fire, no-metric, no-anxiety jobs that were created in this Keynesian frenzy of madness which was fueled by the lack of courage of politicians in dealing with the end of the WWII peace dividend.
The day of reckoning - what Keynes called the day when "in the end we are all dead anyways" - has arrived. But the greedy publicly funded - arrogant conceited teachers and professors, thugs in alphabet agency clown farms, etc. - in their paroxysm of thuggish panic are signing on to and supporting anything that will delay their inevitable transition back into the dreaded private sector at vastly lower salaries, if only even for a few months or years.
The loons at the top and in media and entertainment would be nothing without this army of orcs at their backs.
VDH gets most of it, but he leaves out the #1 thing that fuels TDS - public sector greed.
Trump represents the beginning of the end. In two generations the percentage of working Americans who have their income stream funded directly by the government or by regulations which create artificial demand has quadrupled with no appreciable increase in the quantity or quality of the things that government is supposed to do. Tens of millions (and their spouses) depend on no-fire, no-metric, no-anxiety jobs that were created in this Keynesian frenzy of madness which was fueled by the lack of courage of politicians in dealing with the end of the WWII peace dividend.
The day of reckoning - what Keynes called the day when "in the end we are all dead anyways" - has arrived. But the greedy publicly funded - arrogant conceited teachers and professors, thugs in alphabet agency clown farms, etc. - in their paroxysm of thuggish panic are signing on to and supporting anything that will delay their inevitable transition back into the dreaded private sector at vastly lower salaries, if only even for a few months or years.
The loons at the top and in media and entertainment would be nothing without this army of orcs at their backs.
Friday, August 10, 2018
Stop Lying to the Boston U board of Trustees!
Geoff on 04.17.2018 at 2:18 pm
What complete nonsense. This piece is full of misinformation and outright lies.
“Does the Board of Trustees find it acceptable that 115,000 people in the United States have been killed by gun violence…” What is “gun violence”? Is it any more acceptable that people are killed in automobile accidents, knifed to death, or commit suicide through overdoses?
“Is the social harm caused by the 36 mass shootings that have occurred since the tragedy at Sandy Hook not clear enough to Boston University?” How many people are killed by these “mass shootings” every year? What is the trend? And how does it compare to other causes of death? In what way is the production and availability of guns to law abiding citizens responsible for these mass shootings?
“On February 14, 14 children and 3 teachers were murdered at a high school in Parkland, Fla. In the two months since then, there have been 9 more shootings at schools. How many more children need to die in their classrooms before Boston University finds that the circumstances are clear enough to take action?” When one examines the facts, it is clear that first, the perpetrator was mentally ill and violent. He was reported multiple times to local authorities and the FBI and they did nothing. Furthermore, he was enabled by a policy, pushed by the Obama Regime and the school board of not reporting criminal behavior. Clearly the problem is not guns, themselves, which are merely tools, but the culture and policies that enable these tragedies. As far as the link you provide to the other ” 9 more shootings at schools” it provides no support for your position. Obviously 1 school shooting is too much, but in a nation of 325M people, that’s a pretty minimal number.
“Every week, 25 children die from gun violence in the United States.” Define “gun violence”. From the article you cite, “They found that the annual rate of firearm homicides among African-American children (3.5 per 100,000) was nearly 10 times the rate among whites.” Doesn’t sound like a gun problem, but a cultural problem.
“The firearms industry, especially the National Rifle Association (NRA), continues to manipulate the American political realm, fighting against regulations that are proven to make us safer.” No. It is you and your ilk that manipulates the “American political realm”, whatever that is, twisting facts and exploiting tragedies.
“The NRA spent millions of dollars in campaign contributions in 2016, buying their way onto lawmakers’ agendas.” It’s a shame that people with which you disagree band together in voluntary organizations to lobby the government to protect their natural and constitutionally guaranteed rights…according to you.
“The NRA wants to prohibit doctors from talking to suicidal patients about guns, when we know that the majority of firearms deaths in this country are from suicides rather than homicides.” No, the NRA opposes the politicization of healthcare, as should every sane person. Guns are not healthcare.
“The NRA opposes an assault weapons ban, background checks, and raising the minimum age to purchase a firearm” This is a flat-out LIE. First, real “assault weapons” that are, essentially automatic weapons are already highly restricted. These, so called, “assault weapons” you’re alluding to are nothing more than common semi-automatic rifles which are functionally no different than many rifles in common use for hunting and other purposes. In fact, the AR-15, about which you and your ilk wish to foment hysteria differs only in its looks and the ability to add accessories. Its rounds are also, in its most common form actually relatively low power .223, which aren’t even legal for hunting large game such as deer in most jurisdictions. Also, most people that are killed by firearms are killed by handguns, not rifles, so banning these “assault weapons” would do almost nothing. The NRA does not oppose background checks and is fully in favor of keeping firearms away from felons, the mentally ill, and others who should not possess firearms. But, since possessing a weapon to defend oneself is a natural and constitutionally guaranteed right, it should only be restricted after due process. It is true that many, including the NRA, oppose raising the minimum age to purchase firearm. But in what world does it make sense to prevent an 18 year old adult, who otherwise is responsible and entitled to the rights of citizen–to vote and to serve in the military–from purchasing firearms, especially since it does nothing but restrict their rights with no enhancement of safety?
“The firearms industry wants anyone to have access to a bump stock, the tool that enabled the shooter in Las Vegas last year to fire 9 rounds per second, killing 58 people and injuring 851 in 10 minutes.” This is complete nonsense. Why don’t you get educated on what bump stock is and isn’t by reading the following: and A bump stock didn’t enable the killing of more people. It was the shooter’s protected and advantageous position that enabled the killing of so many. Bump stocks provide virtually no advantage and actually reduce accuracy. It’s likely the shooter could have killed many more by the enhanced accuracy of not using a bump stock.
“In 2005, the NRA and the firearms industry successfully conned Congress into shielding gunmakers and gun sellers from being accountable for the harm that their products cause. Is this the type of industry that Boston University wants to profit from?” Nobody was conned into doing anything. Do we hold manufacturers of knives accountable when people are stabbed and slashed? Do we hold automotive manufacturers liable when someone intentionally runs down a person or drives drunk. This was a common sense reaction to the hysteria and attempts to restrict the rights of citizens through stealth.
“We know that meaningful gun control reduces gun violence. We know that restrictions on gun ownership reduce mass shootings. We know that when there are fewer guns around, there are fewer suicides. What evidence could make the circumstances more clear for the Board of Trustees?” No. We don’t. What we can see is that people intending to do violence will find a way to commit violence in the absence of the availability of firearms, whether it is knives, machetes (as London is now teaching us), bombs, clubs, bike chains, and all manner of means of committing violence. We can see that in some areas of the country with far more firearms there’s virtually no people dying from violence from firearms, while in many cities with the most restrictive firearms regulations look like a war zone. Why? Why the difference? It’s not the guns. It’s the people. It’s the culture. It’s their local governments that let criminals run free and harm innocent people.
Stop lying. Also, there are many circumstances when a weaker individual has protected themselves from violence because they were armed. You don’t care about them, apparently.
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