(((moldberg)))made me do it
August 17, 2018
So lemme see if i got this straight.
The minorities that use language similar that against jews in nazi era germany against whites within jew controlled media academia and NGOs in the west today,should be forgiven because they are only status signalling the Brahim whites.And so really whites just brought this on themselves? In fact since whites still have all the power it is the only way nonwhites can gain entry to the cathedral of elites.
And quillette is different from The daily beast or a Ivy league class exactly how?
I don’t know who you morons are trying to fool, yourselves undecided whites, cucks,? But you’re not fooling anyone but the already fooled.Whites going back a thousand years at least have has a status signal called graciousness,noblesse oblige,paternalism.Like our christian beliefs and many of our less old traditions like enlightenment values these were slyly corrupted over the decades by cultural middlemen jews to serve their own purposes. This canard that all progressivism is the same is simply another jewish misinformation campaign. Whites are indeed a progressive race the only progressive race, as builders we ever seek refinements even in our civilizational foundations. within the european premodern isolation this was an advantage.It expanded the usable human capital defrictionalized class struggle, higher trust allowed larger more complex civilizations and economies.Ans this attracted of course the parasitical race.Having pushed too far too often this parasitic race over the ages refined a sort of insidious reinterpretation of european values.You can tell the difference from brahmin leftism and jew leftism easily. The brahin variety is always seeking to improve something, to relieve suffering, increase justice. The jew variety is always wrecker leftism. Oh its often got a white progressive cover but when looked at carefully you see that’s the bait the jews use to lure in the white camouflage while the real work is wrecking.Examine any leftist cause you will note some worthy ideal that is put out front and which the whites involved will earnestly believe and sound convincing in its promotion, then you will see in the fine print, in the law suits, in the money trail what the real aim is.
Imagine if the new york times had just hired Andrew Anglim for its new editor after a decade of ever increasingly militant pieces on Jew privilege,the problem with Rachel’s,- oh we could write volumes on the jew owned media 100 year campaign on european civilization> would Quillette be so sanguine and thoughtful.You’re fooling yourselves and the cucks you’re married to, but we have reached that point the eternal return where jews have again overreached their talent and are about to be routed.There’s no way this civil war doesn’t happen you’re undone by our good will and your treachery.You have engineered hundreds of millions of low IQ high aggression third worlders and turned the east asians against us (and yeah for the record Asians are signalling to get into the elite its just not whites they are signalling its jews) So while the vast majority of whites dont understand its jews behind this, the war will start out as red/blue and quickly devolve into white non white.The bloodshed worldwide will be historical armageddon will be an understatement and its all on the hands of those who engineered such a immoral and stupid idea as multiculturalism in the west and only the west. So that blood after it is over will have to be accounted for, even though it will be mostly third world blood because whites are quite capable once they get down to business, once that business is over they will demand an accounting and there’s just o way in hell in that environment where there is no longer a control on thought an speech that jew crimes will not come fully to light.Trust me israel if it still exists at all will be more of an easy target than a refuge.
There is only one way and only one way to avoid this fate for all mankind. jews change course 180 degrees and begin to use all the power and wealth they now use against whites in favor of white nationalism.yeah its not going to happen but dont say you weren’t given a chance. currently you have the moral authority and power and wealth to declare yourselves white and guilty of the treason you are and sincerely admit and apologize as a few of you have and use the same jew lawyering and fast talking to unwind multiculturalism in the west not stop it but completely reverse it. This could be done humanely all the non whites could be repatriated legally at least if not more legally as they were brought in. But only if jews were on board.without them it will be civil war, because whites have no choice the call is for our extinction. i realize you think we are going gently into that good night you always do and you’re always wrong.If it goes the hard way I for one will vote to have every last jew no matter what percent eradicated from the earth. On the other hand if you were by some miracle to find your italian roots i would stand with those of you wishing to become white.
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