Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Richard Barnett sentenced to prison after Jan. 6 Capitol riot

The evil DC usurper regime jails Arkansans for non-violent protected speech!

I've noticed a lot of the commenters on here relishing in this harsh sentence for simply being in a place that's called the people's house and yes he put his feet up on the desk so what they didn't damage anything he didn't steal anything in many cases the police allowed these people to be in there and yet you're relishing a harsh sentence in a case when if you're going to send it somebody for something it should have maybe been 30 days at the most and yet BLM rioters and murderers aren't even prosecuted I hope none of you people who think this is a great sentence or that he needed more time in prison I hope you don't think you're a Christian because we are not supposed to be relishing in the downfall of others that's in the Bible by the way do not relish in the tragedy of others and the judgment you give to others shall be judged upon you I hope you don't ask Jesus for mercy on judgment day because you don't deserve it you didn't dispense it while you were alive on the Earth why should he give you any mercy when your time comes

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