Monday, December 30, 2013
Friday, December 27, 2013
Let's be careful here...
- Kenneth
- Ny
The power to declare someone mentally incompetent, and therefore take away his rights, has been abused very heavily in the past. If the law is unsettled, it's because our laws assume competence on the part of its participants, and that grey area is a giant moral, scientific, and ethical morass that isn't tackled for not merely for lack of political courage but because there are questions that few people would want to touch.
Monday, December 23, 2013
RE: Wolf of Wallstreet
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Inverted Totalitaranism...
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Thursday, December 12, 2013
NYtimes concerned about GUNS, not about VIOLENCE
AntonioSanto DomingoNYT Pick
If you have followed the series of articles the NYT has recently devoted to "gun violence", and if you have read them with an open mind, it will be clear to you that the main subject of most of them is guns, not violence. The same can be said of the majority of comments that are in favor of these articles.
To put it bluntly: if Mr. Holten had used a knife to threaten his wife, he would not have figured in this article.
The catch is that Americans have had since the Bill of Rights became part of the fundamental law of the Nation the right to keep and bear arms, and that the Supreme Court, in DC v Heller, has ruled as follows:
"Undoubtedly some think that the Second Amendment is outmoded in a society where our standing army is the pride of our Nation, where well-trained police forces provide personal security, and where gun violence is a serious problem. That is perhaps debatable, but what it is not debatable is that it is not the role of this Court to pronounce the Second Amendment extinct".
I am firmly convinced that gun owners are as opposed to criminal violence as any other citizen, but that they are not inclined to let themselves be led by special pleading into giving up their constitutional right to keep and bear arms, nor to let it be turned into a de facto government granted privilege. It is obvious, furthermore, that the US Congress and the Supreme Court are on their side.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
In hell want ice water...
let them think what they want (1+ / 0-)
the only effective control on guns are no guns. and i do not apologize for wanting a gun ban. let them think what they want. i dont care if they dislike that i want to take away their precious murder machines.fuck them.People (9+ / 0-)
i want to take away their precious murder machines.
in hell want ice water, skippy.
Friday, December 6, 2013
A pro-gun response to scumbag and traitor Lt. Col. Robert Bateman trollking
by Matt Bracken
If they come to take away your guns by force, they have declared war on the Constitution, and on you. At that point, war is joined, just as it was during another famous gun confiscation raid on April 19, 1775.
If a firearm was legal in 2012, under the 2nd Amendment it’s still legal in 2013 and it will be legal forever, no matter what so-called “executive orders” are handed down or new “laws” are passed by a panicking Congress. Those who say otherwise are liars and traitors and oath breakers and domestic enemies.
Every survivor of every genocide says the same thing: when they come to take your guns, shoot them! Make them take them, and their system of repression will be overwhelmed, because they don’t have millions of jack-booted thugs ready to do armed battles all over the country.
If you give up your arms, you are placing your entire trust in the permanent future benevolence of the U.S. government. This trust is invariably fatal: ask the American Indians about those treaties that were guaranteed forever.
History is clear, with numerous examples, of the danger of gun registration and gun control. The German gun registration laws were enacted duuring the 1920s Weimar Republic, years before Hitler came to power. German gun registration was mandated in the name of “public safety.” Note that phrase well. I’m sure today’s liberal utopians would agree that they were “common sense” and “reasonable” gun control laws. Don’t we all want “public safety?”
Then Hitler rose to power, and used the gun registration lists to first disarm the Jews, and then to force them into starving, overcrowded ghettos, and finally into mass graves and gas chambers. The Nazi genocide of the Jews was enabled by those “common sense” German gun registration lists.
Millions of Polish Jews were rounded up by German military police battallions. The German military police only needed a 1-10 ratio to their victims. A mere 100 German military police, (4-Fs in their forties, bottom of the barrel conscripts, not rabid SS), would round up and murder a town of a thousand Jews over the course of one day.
The Germans would force them to sit tightly packed together on town plazas or sporting fields under the watch of only a handful of armed guards. The Germans would then march groups of twenty or thirty at a time at gunpoint into the woods for point-blank executions. A 1-10 ratio means the military police were not worried at all about meeting resistance. The victims were all previously disarmed.
During the Armenian Genocide from 1915-23, two million Christian Turks were exterminated by being marched at gun point into burning deserts with no food or water. The Turkish gun registration laws were enacted in 1911, in the name of “public safety.” The genocide began a few years later, after the Armenians’ firearms were confiscated.
Entire divisions of Russian troops hiked home from WW1 in 1917/18, carrying their rifles and swords and other sidearms. Very early on, Lenin decreed that “public safety” required they all be turned in, under penalty of death. And so the Russian war veterans were disarmed—but not the Communist Party members. Then came the Soviet purges, the Great Terror, the Gulags, and tens of millions of disarmed Russians were murdered.
I’m sorry, but I do NOT trust that our federal government won’t turn as brutally tyrannical as the old USSR at some point in the future, perhaps after an economic crash or other major crisis. The Obama regime already perceives that we “Bitter Clingers” are “reactionaries” who are not only standing in the way of social progress, we are actively blocking it.
That makes us pure Evil, since their plan for a socialist utopia is pure Good. And that means they will ultimately come to feel totally justified in seeking a “final solution to the Bitter Clinger problem,” in the same way that the Turks, Soviets and Nazis did. Can anyone guarantee Americans that tyranny will never visit our shores?
If the socialists in power are scapegoating us as national villains now, what will they do when they have no reason to fear us whatsoever? Did the Turks, Soviets or Nazis treat their despised minorities better, or worse, after disarming them? Think!
And once a despot’s enemies (that’s us) are disarmed and helpless…the temptation grows to simply do away with them. Obama mentor and ghost-autobiographer, the Weather Underground bomber Bill Ayers, stated that they would need to murder ten percent of the American population to achieve their socialist nirvana. Thirty million bitter clingers. Guess who that is?
Don’t relearn this bitter lesson the hard way. Learn from history’s many examples. As it was for the Turkish Armenians, German Jews, Russian Kulaks, Chinese, Ugandans, Guatemalens, Cambodians, Cubans, Rwandans, and on and on, history’s lesson is crystal clear:
Stick to your guns–no matter what!
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? After all, you knew ahead of time that those bluecaps were out at night for no good purpose. And you could be sure ahead of time that you’d be cracking the skull of a cutthroat. Or what about the Black Maria sitting out there on the street with one lonely chauffeur — what if it had been driven off or its tires spiked. The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!”
~~Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Friday, October 18, 2013
RE: Toppling Rocks in State park...
Salt Lake City, UT
It's a sad statement on society these days when personal self-interest and self-fulfillment overrides common sense. Modern American culture, especially here in Utah. It's all about ME.
This valley, and it's unique formations, have survived millions of years and was important enough to society to cordon it off as a state park. And these gentlemen decide to go knock it over for a laugh.
And @liberate, this isn't hearsay or unproven accusations. They posted the video and audio themselves. Then followed up in an interview saying they'd do it again. These are OUR lands. These are OUR monuments and treasures. I think WE have every right to be angry at those who destroy our treasures for a laugh.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
No enemies to the right...
Posted October 11, 2013 at 5:24 am | Permalink
Yes Anti-Fas are almost invariably moderate ectomorphs – the lean Cassius or Iago type given to fanaticism. No match for brawny Fascists in even a moderately fair fight. But remember, combat isn’t about being fair. Fair is a concept from sport or chivalry. Fine if the other side also abides by it. But obvious these don’t and will never. Do we want to be beautiful losers of do we want to win? When the South fought as Gentlemen they lost, but when they fought as desperate masked men, they won. Of course it’s not time for this but it’s a good distinction to bear in mind. They already show the savagery which will only worsen as the times do.
Btw, Bravo! And yes, No Enemies to the Right must become words to live by. They may not all be comrades, but we sure don’t have to trash them to appease the Enemy in bizarre displays of submission. We have to get the Enemy out of our heads first though. More intellectual clarity will help.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Re: Gabby Giffords booed at her NY Gun Show appearance.
The approach she is promoting is ideologically driven, not logically or factually driven. I suspect many of those commenting negatively about those who show opposition to her position would see nothing wrong with booing a representative of the NRA promoting a different view. Even more likely, they would be opposing allowing the NRA representative to speak at all.
Liked By harry.ball.549668
Saturday, October 5, 2013
"world don't owe you a living"
Totentänzerlied's picture
"World don't owe you a living boy."
With my patented irony conversion technology, I can power all of the Indian subcontinent with only the above quotation. All I need is for the author to verify he belongs to the Boomer generation, and presto, the infinite irony is transformed into electrical power with an efficiency of 97.5%!
Friday, October 4, 2013
Get while it's good
silverstein • 2 hours ago −
Millennials are getting creamed by exorbitant tuitions, there are millions of 23 year olds graduating into an empty job market with 6-figure unforgivable debt. Now theyr'e expected to overpay for health care premiums so older smokers and fatties can get it cheap, as boomers hog the jobs and block their upward mobility. Science degrees are worthless because fat cat tech companies import millions of H1-B's. Millennials will never collect a cent of social security, and on top of that will have to pay off Bush's and Obama's debt (read:Boomer entitlements) in the coming decades.
All I can say to non-Millennials is get it while the getting's good and check out with your goodies before it gets really bad.
5 1 •Reply•Share ›
Monday, September 30, 2013
Nothing to do with hunting...
Sunday, September 29, 2013
- dgadd
- Vancouver, BC
I know that he is concerned about the present moment: what will happen in his next election campaign, living with the judgements of those around him, coming from every angle and perspective.
Which is why I think that what really matters is for some time to pass. Maybe a lot of time, maybe 10 or 20 years. By that point he will be a lot less concerned about the judgements of others, a lot clearer about who he is and what he wants out of life, and--with some luck, some wisdom, and a lot of hard work--have made a life for himself with a loving partner.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
No escape...
royrdsjr • 10 hours ago −
I suffered through the peacetime army era(after Vietnam to 1989 before Panama) & our brilliant senior NCO's worried about stupid inane stuff like your vehicle properly painted(especially the red cross on medical vehicle) & was your sleeping bag properly canoe rolled in the field. I would not wish any of that morbid stupidity on any of you today. It seems like the object of these new regulations is to stamp out individuality & to create robotic Stepford Soldiers. This is a disease that is infecting not only the military,but civilian life as well in the U.S. Your SMA is reflecting what is the prevailing wind in the U.S. that is trying to stamp out individualism & replace it with communal group think. This stupidity is the new normal & you won't escape it by getting out of the military.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Hysterical Hand wringing by the disarmed British...
American gun use is out of control. Shouldn't the world intervene?
Thursday, September 19, 2013
As each day passes ...
“I just don’t know how many mass shootings it’s going to take before we
get serious about the issue of gun violence. It’s the same story over
and over again. Are people waiting for 40 people to be killed? Is 50
enough?” Murphy asked POLITICO."
As each day passes it becomes more obvious that liberals are opportunists, liars, and ignorant on this entire issue. What gun control law would have prevented this shooting? Aaron Alexis didn't use one of those incorrectly labeled so-called "assault weapons" with a high capacity magazine that the lefties scream about. He used a shotgun that was purchased legally with a background check. Yet after each mass shooting liberal politicians, their media puppets, and the gun control lobby exploit it in order to advance unrelated gun control bills. I so wish the northeast and west coast of America could be their own separate country. They are a cancer in need of major radiation.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
2A killing our children?
Friday, September 13, 2013
Eye of the tiger...
5 hours ago
Yes, lets poke the tiger in his eye and marvel at the roar. Ever read the posts of gun-control proponents? They sound like a Drama Club at a Hoplophobia Support meeting. But the passion of Patriots scare you, oh well.
The reason the recall succeeded is more people believe in our 2nd Amendment than gun-control. That makes the author the "gun nut" for it is he who is outside the norm, not the folks who believe in our Constitution
Re: statists worship the whip...
"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun." Wayne LaPierre, CEO NRA
Insanity in individuals is something rare—but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule.” Friedrich W Nietzsche
As long as mankind has existed, there have also been human herds and always a great number who obey in proportion to the small number who command." Friedrich w Nietzsche.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
The goal...
11 September 2013 6:15pm
First, the gun safety movement is not about "grabbing" guns. We appreciate traditional American gun culture grounded in hunting and shooting sports. We are not looking to take away any guns except the military-style weapons that were covered by Senator Dianne Feinstein's assault weapons bill and high-capacity magazines.
There is no such thing as a "safe" gun, although it's convenient and practical to begin with the military-styled assault guns popular with the most lunatic fringe of the US firearm-obsessives.
The goal is a peaceful, disarmed society where the means of violence, criminality and hooliganism have been secured in the sole custody of the State, to prevent disruptive and disordered elements from opposing socially necessary change.
Is it really worth lying to ourselves and others that the goal is less than the ideal of civilian disarmament in the US?
Saturday, September 7, 2013
It's official...
Bustercat Jason • an hour ago −
it's official, liberal "you must hate children" banbot types have replaced neoconservative "you must hate America" bushbot types as the most annoying people in the public space.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Queen Isabella
Posted August 17, 2013 at 3:39 am | Permalink
“The great Queen of Spain, Isabella the Catholic, is reported once to have commissioned a painting that would show a priest at the altar, a woman giving birth and a criminal being hanged. In other words, let everyone do what they are meant to do, and not something else. But people are not being what they are: teachers often no longer teach, doctors often no longer heal, policemen often no longer protect, and — worst of all, I could have added — priests are often no longer men of God. ”
Bishop Richard N. Williamson
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
RE: Michael Hastings death coroner reports Methamphetamine and Cannabis found in toxicology but not contributing factor in crash
Monday, August 19, 2013
Vote Harder: The Barack Obama Story
Progressive calls to defeat corporate power and the warfare-surveillance state through more enthusiastic engagement in electoral politics sound about equally plausible.
In 2008, progressives attempted to achieve these goals by voting for the most anti-war, anti-police state Democrat in decades. Obama entered the primaries as a challenger from Hillary Clinton’s left, packaging himself as the alternative to her national security establishmentarian brand. He opposed the Iraq war, promised to shut down Gitmo and denounced warrantless domestic wiretapping by the NSA.
In 2013, we see this “progressive” superstar, who all but promised to usher in a 21st century Church Committee, presiding over the massive expansion of illegal drone warfare around the world and the largest expansion of the surveillance state in history. We see this man, who promised the “most transparent administration in history,” pursuing vindictive reprisals — on a scale rivaling Woodrow Wilson or Richard Nixon — against whistleblowers who expose the surveillance state’s terrifying scope.
In short, progressives voted harder in 2008 than they had in decades, electing a man who promised to radically scale back the total warfare and surveillance state and rein in corporate power. And the man they elected went 180 degrees opposite every last expectation.
Worse, some of Obama’s most diehard “progressive” supporters have become a Kool-Aid cult defending him against any and all criticism of his reversals of position. These people, including both the “pragmatic progressive” communities on Twitter and in the blogosphere and most of the establishment liberals on MSNBC, denounce critics from Obama’s left as Republican dupes in tones reminiscent of the Democratic establishment’s treatment of Ralph Nader a decade ago. The very people who should be holding Obama’s feet to the fire instead react like Gollum to the desecration of their Precious.
So, to summarize: 1) The biggest grass-roots progressive effort in decades to elect an anti-war, anti-police state president successfully elected a man who immediately proceeded to do the direct opposite of what he promised; and 2) some of the people who elected him are the most strident defenders of his betrayals.
Do you really think voting even harder next time is the solution? No. All of this just shows what a monumental waste of effort and resources it is trying to capture the state.
The lobbyists of the military-industrial complex, security-industrial complex, and other corporate interests will always have more time and money for influencing policy than their opponents. The internal influence of the “permanent government” of the military and security bureaucracies will always have more influence on government policy than the public. Trying to outcompete these interests and stage a hostile takeover of the commanding heights of the state is as foolish as it would have been for Heinz Guderian to attempt a head-on assault on the Maginot Line in 1940.
Fortunately, we don’t have to storm the barricades and capture the giant corporations and the state. We don’t need them. We don’t need enormous concentrations of capital or giant hierarchical institutions for coordinating things. The prerequisites for building the kind of society we want — open-source garage micromanufacturing technology, permaculture, encrypted currencies, free software — are all dirt cheap and getting ever cheaper. The only thing the state and the corporations it serves can do is try to impede us.
Fortunately it’s much, much cheaper to develop technologies for evading the law and the state’s enforcement apparatus than it is to try to influence the state and change the law. Trying to get “a seat at the table” alongside the RIAA and MPAA to influence a few punctuation changes in the next global copyright treaty is an almost total waste of time. Developing file-sharing and encryption technologies to break such laws with impunity is not only doable — it’s already been done.
We don’t need to capture the state or the corporate economy. Leave them to rot. We’ll build the new society in their ruins.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Thursday, August 8, 2013
US Army builds spray gun to contaminate terrorists' foodstuffs
US Army builds spray gun to contaminate terrorists' foodstuffs with LSD
Monday, August 5, 2013
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Bring the war home.
Bring the war home.The plutocracy needs to be destroyed. The justice system is totally kangaroo. The American Bar Association is to blame for injustice.
I demand the inquisition device out of my back the CIA stuck there in 1982.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Gaps in the record...
The fact that the system does not know who did what in the Zimmerman Martin case proves the existence of gaps in the electronic record keeping of the omniscient state. These gaps can be exploited for any purpose imaginable. In fact such gaps prove that state is not all knowing.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
State wants to destroy family so it becomes family...
"more liberal faction of the Democratic party see this as a step closer to socialism. The paternal (or maternal) state is where people wil look to for succor. The history of socialism is attempts to break family coalition in favor of state identification. With the dissolution of the family, that identification becomes more likely. You can agree or disagree (many think this is the appropriate governance) but it is a reality - albeit on that rarely gets an honest conversation in the media (ever)."
Monday at 6:10pm
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Boy, 9, found loaded Glock in movie theater bathroom | Video - South Florida
Boy, 9, found loaded Glock in movie theater bathroom | Video - South Florida
'via Blog this'
What kind of man...?
What kind of man let alone American betrays his fellow citizens and nation for personal gain and power - we now have the answer to this question.
The battles are reduced to skirmishes. Obama, Biden, Holder, Bloomberg, Emanuel, Feinstain, Mayors Against Guns and the rest of the elitist antigunners lost. All that remains for them is to fume, lick their wounds and pretend it turned out different for them."
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Nothing Reasonable...
You are not a moderate and there is nothing "reasonable" about your position on firearms.
As for Pryor, he is an empty suit attached to the kleptocratic apparatus.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Defeat of Liberalism...
Friday, May 10, 2013
Jack Bauer
It's not about a reason for having it.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Monday, May 6, 2013
Well first off, I'd like to see a post link that references the police report about this specific incident. I would not believe everything that I see, and I think credibility is important when it comes to dramatic footage lest we all get picked up and dropped by a large eagle.
What can you draw from this incident? Is the AK-47 really very useful? Consider the worst case scenario: if the suspect w/AK in this incident was truly an awesome marksman he would have needed only two rounds to kill the responding constabulary (assuming that two officers were in the patrol car, we do not know exactly all details as we have no incident report see aformentioned). Instead, he (suspect) discharges seemingly many to little or no effect. In the worst case (the suspect) could have theoretically missed each police officer but nevertheless hit innocent bystanders by his fires, etc. James Gilkerson, the suspect identified as the shooter according to this source, is the only casualty in this incident as I read it. The theoretical potential of the AK's lethality or "defensiveness?", if such a nebulous concept be invoked, does not seem to be maximized by Gilkerson in this incident. See the youtube video which is admittedly dramatic and tragic.
The AK-47 is, like any weapon system, contingent on the user(s) skill and luck to achieve maximum effectiveness. We might arbitrarily define maximum effectiveness as the ratio of bullets fired to persons killed. I've heard the ratio of rifle rounds fired to enemy KIA in Vietnam was something like 250,000 per KIA. Humans seemingly the world over have evolved an innate ability to hide or otherwise take cover when faced with small arms fire. For this and many other reasons then it is actually very rare for a single individual to conduct an attack which results in multiple fatalities even when they have 1. the element of surprise which to a certain extent Gilkerson appears to have had and 2. a powerful means of offense such as an AK-47 type rifle.
Finally, commendations are in order for the local security forces who were able to effectively return fire.
11 minutes ago · Edited · Like
Sunday, May 5, 2013
From Forbes "Meet the Liberator..." comment section...
Monday, April 15, 2013
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Ban Swimming Pools!
70 years of reckless and irresponsible social policies...
In the socialist utopia of the progressive psyche must rest a profound belief that the solution to every societal ill is always just another law their social policies continue to enable the transformation of America's cities and towns into lawless, Third World ghetto's, and war zones.
Of course none of this seems to really matter, nor does it strain their "national conscience," much less THEIR Hollywood social media's wholesale marketing and exploitation of blood, guts, drugs, profanity and mayhem 24/7 (for $billions) into the home of every kid in America.
Why should they face the consequences of their societal madness, when they can all just set back and watch their cities burn?
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Never Cease to be amazed...
6:24 AM CDT
I never cease to be amazed by the rather truculent, name calling commentary of posts I see; the subject touched, but the main interest is in debasing those who disagree ... it is the same for this issue on gun control. Those who oppose guns do not care about them, have no interest in them and just jump on the "bandwagon" as a matter of course. It has nothing to do with tragedy, tragedy is merely the excuse for supporting anti-gun laws. Name calling of gun supporters, owners, political affiliations, personal attacks are simply puerile; statements made by those with little ability to communicate rationally - including those of a scrofulous nature. I am a Korean vet, 78 years old and an independent voter; having at one time been a Democrat or Republican, I have seen very little to admire in either party: I see the Tea Party attempting to do something useful and being ridiculed, chastised, belittled and aspersed for their effort. Both sides in this issue can provide rationals for their position; however, those who oppose this issue do so from a position of personal or close tragedy, personal dislike or fear of guns, or merely to support their political party, affiliation, or organization. Gun control should not exist as an issue for Americas. We are a country born of the gun, and unenforceable laws only punish the innocent - prohibition has proved that fallacy. Gun owners just want their guns, those who do not, can always find a rationale to fight against them ... the whole thing, we should all be fighting for, whether you like guns or hate them, is support of the Second Amendment, one of our freedoms, one of the rights we have as Americans. We are seeing America, land of the free and home of the brave, being overrun by laws, regulations, rules - Americans being governed by the government ... what has happened to government by the people, for the people?
The stark divide...
The stark divide is between individualism and collectivism. It is between those who value rights and those who react emotionally to horrible events such as Newtown. The individualists abhor violence but accept that with rights come danger. The collectivists believe that the safety of the collective is more important than the rights of the individual. The difficulty is balancing the preservation of the Consitution and legislating effective solutions. As long as there are means of killing and there are sociopathic people, tragedy will continue.
Limiting “assault weapons” and high capacity magazines (pick your bullet count) will do nothing to limit the overall murder rate as only a few percent of murders are committed with them. It will also do very little to deal with Newtown like events. Any handgun could have been used just as effectively as the AR15 was to kill defenseless children. The gun and the magazine are not key in an elementary school scenario. The killer only needs to take out the adults in the classroom, then stand by the door as he kills the children. Nobody escapes, Certainly there are scenarios where the killer can be stopped during reloading. as with Loughner. But not with little kids.
We need to start locking violent offenders up on the first offense and never let them out. We need to allow for disturbed people to be institutionalized while still having some safeguards for our rights. The tools to commit mayhem will always be with us. The criminals and the crazies can be removed much easier.
The battle...
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Monday, April 8, 2013
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Apr. 6, 13
6:34 PM
No Jim, there is no middle ground. Those of us who own and use guns don't trust the likes of you and your ilk. I've watched this debate rage for 40 years. It's always the same. Gun owners are portrayed as ignorant, toothless, inbred rednecks who don't have a clue. In fact, it is the anti-gunners who don't have a clue. Obama and Bloomberg still don't know the difference between a semi-automatic and a fully automatic weapon. Bloomberg's recent anti-gun ad shows a guy sitting on a tailgate with his shotgun on his lap, finger on the trigger and a child playing nearby. Nobody I know would do that. So when you gun haters say "I hunt" or "I own guns" or some other caveat, we don't believe you. Just like when you say "Nobody is going to take your guns." On the contrary, Feinstein and the rest have stated their intentions for the record in the past. All they have to work with is emotion, name calling and exploiting tragedies. Then they trot out their latest plan for "minor, common sense gun laws" which usually includes a ban on entire classes of weapons. In their little polyanna world, modern refined people don't need guns. There's not one talking point in the anti-gun arsenal that that has any basis in fact. Gun control works? Nope. Gun free zones are safer? Nope. Blood on the streets from concealed carry? Nope. More guns equals more crime? We better hope not, since Obama has sold 70 million of them in the last four years. That also lays waste to the strawman argument that 90% of the people support stronger gun laws. The anti-gun crowd - at all levels - has no credibility at all. Why should we compromise? In the public arena of facts and ideas, we're winning.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Monday, March 25, 2013
Monday, March 18, 2013
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Open-Source Search Engine for 3D Printable Models -
Monday, March 11, 2013
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
The misanthropy behind the love by G.D. (Dan) Gearino
The misanthropy behind the love
When I read about the $72 million animal hospital planned for N.C. State University — where pets will get the latest chemotherapy treatments and be diagnosed with cutting-edge imaging equipment — my head-shaking was so vigorous that I practically gave myself whiplash. Good thing that didn’t actually happen. I doubt my health care would be nearly as good as that lavished on Fido these days.
That’s not an exaggeration. Human health care can be hit-or-miss, depending on your insurance coverage and the cold-blooded economic calculations behind the approval of treatment. But as this recent articleon pointed out, cost is rarely a consideration when treatments are proposed by a vet. The pet owner almost always agrees to anything, damn the expense. Americans spend something in the neighborhood of $20 billion a year on their pets.
I like dogs and cats just fine. Had some of each at various times in my life. But I have to tell you, the investment of tens of thousands of dollars on advanced medical care for a pet seems obscene.
How do you spend that much on an animal when so many human needs go unmet? It’s one thing to spring for rabies shots (which are required by law anyway) and good-quality pet chow. It’s quite another to spend an amount of money that could otherwise pay the premiums for a year or two of health insurance for a poor family. Or provide a year’s worth of tuition, room and board for an underprivileged minority student. If your pet gets cancer, ask the vet for good dope and keep it comfortable for the short remainder of its life. That’s the compassionate and reasonable thing to do.
I am awestruck (and not in a good way) that a wealthy and now-deceased man donated $24 million to make the new N.C. State animal hospital a reality. Anyone who is aware of the needs of humankind around the world and instead donates a fortune for pet care is the very definition of a misanthrope.
That’s something I’d noticed about many pet owners a long time ago, though. Some of them have simply decided that, on balance, pets are more worthy of love and care than any human ever will be.