Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Colin Goddard is a Coward who wants to make you just as worthless...

Recently I saw Colin Goddard quoted as saying (I paraphrase), "I was paralyzed with fear, I was unable to do anything but lay on the floor and wait to be shot. Having a gun in that classroom would have been useless." 
I submit that this is the reason that the Goddards are gun grabbing zealots - Colin is a self described and admitted coward who could only wait for his own death instead of taking action to save his life or the lives of others. They project their impotence onto others, ignoring the countless incidents where armed citizens under attack were able to successfully defend themselves. From soldiers to cowboys to shopkeepers to police to homeowners; many people have used the gun for good - for self defense. Better to disarm everyone than be proven a coward (or a someone without impulse control, etc.) 
Assistant Principal Myrick, Pearl Mississippi, stopped a school shooter with a shotgun by retrieving his handgun from his car. Jeanne Assam, church security volunteer, stopped a church shooter armed with an AK before he could massacre the congregation. Nick Meli, shopper, stopped a mall shooter. The stories are out there. When you consider that far less than 1 percent of the population regularly carries a concealed firearm, imagine how many crimes could be stopped if every good person did the same. How many violent crimes and shooting sprees would never even be contemplated if the prospective shooter knew there was a good chance he would be stopped by an armed citizen? Except of course in Virginia's institutions of compulsory and higher learning, which to wanna be shooters, are attractive free fire zones. It's for the children, after all.

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