Saturday, January 30, 2016

Liberal anti-reciprocity ...

Possibly it is due to the fact that you are engaging in a false comparison. This is not about ''cargo shorts'' or ''Va Beach''. It is about the ability to transport a weapon legally purchased by a licenced and law-abiding gun owner through another state, or retain it while on all from a visit or vacation, to a move to another state, without fear of arrest or the imprisonment that can and does accompany such weapons transfers across state lines.
Foolishly, liberals, who demanded reciprocity from all from gay marriage [ before its decision at the national level by the USSC ], to legalized marijuana and abortion, would deny it simply based on their own gun hangups which illogically and always, begin with ''NRA'' instead of finding ways to deny thugs these weapons beyond slapping them on the wrist and turning them loose back into society.
Liberals lose their argument because they go after the law-abiding and not the criminal, whom they could care less about where reducing their numbers is concerned.

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