Saturday, December 27, 2014

Excerpts from DOCNYC No Control

So basically the hoplophobic chick's argument isn't based on any fundamental human freedoms premise, nor verifiable ineffacacy of any gun control laws, as testified recently in Sydney a country with one of the most stringent guncontrol fascist infrastructures in the Western world/UK-Commonwealths (I'd challenge any 'liberal' to search"homemade/improvised guns bikie gangs Australia." and yes, the Aussies in an ever Japanime-level-cute actually call 'badass' biKERS as "biKIE" LOL!!).

Nope. Hers is the tired ye ol canard of invoking purely emotive #WhitePrivilege BS-racecard, despite the ironic, tragic hilarity of the fact that 1st gun control law in this country, much like 1st marriage license in US, was to prevent post-Civil War freed blacks from owning guns, for fear that they may hunt down their former masters, and the latter to prohibit interracial marriages.

And of course her other fruitless go-to card of choice, 'wave the bloody shirt' -for political effect: 'when the next SSRI-lunatic goes postal, we'll get our chance to push for gun control...once an utter failure point' yay!

She is a testament as to why the culture at large is turning AGAINST the social engineers.

Plus not sure if the lady is aware of the econ dynamics of a commercially manufactured tangible item that practically lasts forever: no matter how many guncontrol 'laws' the hoplophobes unicorn they can pass, with 100yr+ old companies with customer loyalty, and an entire culture built around it, with saturation of 300million guns (probably more like 500mil+ as any gunowner knows: NO gunowner owns 'just one gun'! LOL) in private hands in America, it's a lost statist cause: there will ALWAYS be more manufactured and already in existence than you can ban them.

The hoplophobes' only other statist recourse is confiscation; if you really want another civil war, go ahead.

Plus endlessly demonizing gun owners who never committed any crimes other than 'offend' your visual sensibilities, but never the actual murderers, feeds into the laughable caricature of a 'liberal' as someone who literally has no clue how the real world works, who constantly blames the tool, but never the direct perpetrator wielding that said tool.

CAR vs the GUN:

Much like how the RINOs & neoKUNTs feign indignance and aghast at a couple of IsIs beheadings; as horrific as the imagery of those beheadings maybe, to their favorite dictator/tyrannical regime & Wall St banksters-friendly financial backers of global terrorism, the House of Saud: that was a Tuesday.

Not to mention compared to what typical Mil
Ind.Complex' Predator drone munition murdering and obliterating collateral damage an innocent Muslim wedding party on the orders of oBUSHma's "Terror Tuesday"-party list, beheading schmeading.

See, to y'all, it's your TV/Film infused, PERCEIVED imagery of what a bullet does to a body vs what a 3000lbs+ moving chunk of metal and plastic on wheels do, that you cannot reconcile: to you, 30,000 killed by guns is INFINITELY GALACTICALLY 'WORSE,' than had 30,000 killed by drunk drivers... even though visually a mangled body in a car wreck (let alone the 1000's innocents murdered via 500lbs ordinance) is often far more gruesome than those killed with sub-half inch diameter flying lead-projectile hole punchers.

Dead bodies are dead bodies: the only thing that matters is whether it was an accident or intentional; if the latter, then whether it was defensively justified or criminally offensive.

To the gungrabbers it's always been their own psychoactive emotive insecurities projected writ large, not reality.

Yes, we 'get' it hoplophobes: you want the entire world to reflect back to you, with your inner most insecurities and erroneous worldviews, just so you don't feel weird anymore.

Well, tough shit: the world ain't never gonna supply you with enough unicorns to fulfill your control-freak quota! xD

also, funny how most hoplophobic liberals are aghast at pro-life protesters showing pictures of their abortionists bloody wiggly still moving fetus handiwork at protests. But nope: victims of violence killed with guns? Why that's a-okay! Wave the proverbial bloody shirt away, yay!

Cody's moneyline: "not here to teach you about how to be good liberals!!"


One of these days, statists are gonna finally learn that you can NEVER de/un-invent the gun powder... especially in a nation founded on overthrowing tyrannical govt, whom the delusional 'liberals' still think is 'their' govt even after NSA illegal spying, massive militarized policestate, DOD 1033 program which actual conservatives and libertarians and actual honest liberals have been screaming about since they began, along with endless wars.

You'd think somewhere between y'all RIGHTFULLY bitching about how FDA's run by BigPharma & Monsatan and how the EPA is run by BigOil, and how SEC is run by Wall St. and how DOD's run by Mil.Ind.Complex and how the banksters run the whole of DC, that y'all statists will finally realize that no homeless man nor a treehuggin' hippie ever wrote, passed, signed into law anything that helps or protects the population at large.

At least the 1960's hippies & 'progressives' actually knew that those NOT in govt (ie: YOU), are NOT govt, and rarely referred to #GovtTerrorists as "our govt."

Seriously how many occupy wall st. protesters and Kelly Thomases of the world must get beat or be shot to death by the GovtTerrorist enforcer class taking actions on behalf of sociopathic nerd commissars, before y'all actually learn to distinguish that guy who is kicking your ass and stealing from you DON'T work for you, and is an ALWAYS stupid idea to empower criminals aka #GovtTerrorists with MORE power??

connect the dots, yet, dear hoplophobic gungrabbers??

Excerpts from DOCNYC Q&A "NO CONTROL":
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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Food for thought...

File: spoonersepia.jpg (40 KB, 499x544)
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>2nd Amendment is for overthrowing tyranny!
>Remember the American Revolution
>Molon Labe!
I'm getting damn tired of hearing this nonsense from the gun community. In case you didn't get the memo, the government has been a tyranny since no later than 1865. If you really think the 2nd Amendment is for "resisting despotism," then you should start shooting now. Oh, what's that? You'd get killed if you did. Looks like that whole "protecting liberty" idea isn't working out after all.

If you really care about the right of revolution, worry about how to disarm the state. Without police and soldiers, the government has no teeth.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

4chan killer Fresh Prince...

6 KB
Now this is a story all about how
Amber flipped and turned upside down 
I'd like to take a minute just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the famous 4chan strangler 
In West Port Orchard born and raised
On 4chan is where I spent most of my days 
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool 
Waiting for Amber's son to get out of school 
When a couple of pics that were up to no good
Started making trouble in the neighborhood 
I strangled one little slut and 4chan got scared 
I said "Just check the fucking news" about this murder I just shared 
I whistled to her car, a Ford Focus that was near 
The license plate said "YLYL" and my BB gun was in the rear 
If anything I could suicide by cops when they got there
But I said "Nah, forget it, they'll give me the chair!"

Tuesday, November 4, 2014



Boredom is an universal human infliction. Humans first caught it in the traumatic event when Man went from animal to human. It can only be differentiated in degree as to each living person. It is the fabric and neurosis of the human condition, of a repressed neurotic animal. N.O. Brown asks how/why is there an animal that represses itself. The philosophers and high priests have long recognized the problem. "It hurts man to look," says Nietzsche,"this because he boasts of his humanity over the beast and still gazes jealously at its happiness--for the single thing he wants, to live without satiety or pain like the beast, is in vain because he does not want to become the beast."

“All human evil," says Pascal, "comes from a single cause, man's inability to sit still in a room.”

All that being the case, I'm sure Big Pharma has a pill that they'll be all to happy to reduce your bank account in exchange for it.

Monday, October 13, 2014

The Fuzz should call this manhunt off

hgunwilltravel0 14 hours ago
The Fuzz should call this manhunt off, and go back to what their good at. Like smashing out windows in a car with kids in the back sit over a seatbelt violation and ruff up, harass, bait, torment, badger, mace, persecute, and kill unarmed citizens.

The police departments across the country are prime examples of self-centered, obnoxious, cold hearted entities with no redeeming graces.

This statement may sound harsh, but there are too many documented cases of police brutally to ignore. The police departments have lost the trust and respect of the citizens and the police know this, but they don’t give an RA, because they have the law, power, and courts on their side.This is called tyranny!

fenris1 12 hours ago
Yeah, the Jeep sure looked like a plant, particularly with the SS card & ID just laying there. Who does that? Fleeing from the law after a murder you meticulously planned and that stuff is in your pocket, not on the seat, or else it's left at home. Running in the dark with your lights out, frightened, yeah, it could've been a genuine error. It'll be interesting to finally find out someday. And we will.

As for the diary and other stuff: if it was planted earlier, meaning prior to the murder, the police know that. Experts would know by its condition if it was out in the elements for awhile. Doesn't mean they're telling us.

settmoney 14 hours ago
The big question now is how much money has been spent on this manhunt for one person? How much is this of milking the clock for all that overtime?

More then likely, Eric Frein has probably taken his life, and self-buried himself. He's probably in a grave that will be next to impossible to find. This does not suggest the manhunt halts-hell no. We need his body-dead or alive.

Its time to step-up the manhunt as winter is fast approaching, and I want to see Eric Frein found before Thanksgiving.

glideair 15 hours ago
Frein is running for his life but yet has time to document his actions along the way? He places all evidence in plain view? He (ran), not crashed, the Jeep into a shallow pond in order to make it look like an accident. Frein knows the area like the back of his hand; it was no accident. He placed his wallet on the seat on purpose to let the authorities know he wouldn't be needing the wallet or I.D. anymore. Frein switched vehicles at the pond and drove away (before) the search started. According to the reported time-frame of the shooting at the barracks and the time when the I.D. of the Jeep was made; Frein had several hours to slip away un-noticed. He changed his identity. Frein was sighted three times and 1,000 well equipped lawmen, bloodhounds and helicopter with infrared capabilities could not close the circle on him and make a capture? The bloodhounds couldn't pick up his scent where he was spotted four separate times? Anyone could have turned Frein's cell phone on for a few seconds...(unknown accomplice), an unknown person other than Frein's buddies at their re-enactment headquarters that the authorities have already questioned. Someone the authorities (don't) know about could be helping Frein.
Too many loopholes and too many un-answered questions leaving me no doubt, at the very least, skeptical.
Having read several other posts pertaining to the manhunt in Pa.; there seems to be a shift of belief as to the whereabouts of Eric Frein.
For the moral of all law enforcement and not to mention the citizens of the search area; Frein better be in those woods.

LessGovt 1 day ago

If Frein had not accidentally driven his parents' Jeep into the swamp while fleeing the crime scene, would PSP even have a suspect?

I say no.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Original Poetry by Blog Author All Rights reserved...


Feminists think they've won
But Ray Rice
Will never be as hated
As Michael Vick

Let there be car insurance:

Man blind for 33 years
Scientists grant sight
First thing he sees
Car insurance ad

Magic Lamp:

Liberal finds magic lamp
Genie grants wish
Only condition
must happen to all
Liberal thinks for second
Poke out my left eye

For want of dogs:

If half the money spent
In feed and care of dogs
instead to end all hunger
And poverty
In the third world
We would still have AIDS
And prisons
But G-D would love us
And we would hate him
For want of more dogs

Zardoz in Arkansas:

I want Zardoz
For Arkansas
Instead I'll just get

Third World:

We send
And small engines
To the third world
So Ebola
Can run
Faster than a horse
And see at night

Mein Fuhrer:

All Germans
Would have had
Free health care
Under Hitler
And moon base
And mars colony
We got
A bunch of Jews
And facebook...

Down on the Farm:

Box turtles
Eat dandelion
October sky
Terrible noise
Giant tractor
Exploded shell
Fat people
Eat well
Machine dance

Body as Temple:

I wish I was healthy enough
To turn my body
Into a toxic waste dump
Like you
I wish I was spiritual enough
To forget my body
So it swells like a obscene couch
Overflowing with folds
And skin tags
Enough hotdogs
To circle the sun and back
Have been eaten
by those
Who have no shame

Young Dogs:

Young dogs
Care and concern
It turns it's face
To reveal a half rotted face
Only parasites and viruses
Can ever be free
Death stalks at every turn
Even this poem
Was written
On someone else dime

Thursday, October 9, 2014

performance art

Bill from Vegas
10/8/2014 9:50 AM CDT [Edited]
"Gun carriers seem to not notice, or willfully ignore, that apparently-purposeless gun carrying is never going to be regarded as purposeless by bystanders...."

Which is why I consider lawful open carry primarily to be a form of performance art. You're not against art are you, Mr. Lathrop? Do I first have to drop my Glock in a jar of urine or rub elephant dung on it to get you to respect my self-expression?

Who are you to judge me anyway? Dammit, man, it's an aesthetic, not a dialectic. Okay, yea, I'm armed. But I stand here before you a whole person. Why, then, do you insist on valorizing my holstered firearm--fixated upon it, in fact, as if it's some kind of sheathed man-clitoris, ready to emerge, autonomic, at the slightest arousal? Frankly, you're creeping me out.

Next you'll be demanding that Congress slash funding for the National Endowment for the Arts and an end to PBS subsidies.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Letter to a young white male...

Slow clap. Please allow me to add my own thoughts to compliment this splendid piece. First off, don't listen to anyone over 50 years old, the boomers are all universally wrong and only want to enslave the youth in order that they be carried on golden rafts and palanquins into the grave. They each expect in their turn a viking funeral, that the flower of youth should be strangled and burned on their viking ships, this degenerate culture and this corrupt economy are but phantoms and ghosts. 

Don't listen to anyone with job security. Don't listen to anyone with tenure. Don't listen to anyone who has a well nourished 401K, etc. These people love their lives too much, and as a result they don't really live. These people are sleep walking off a cliff called Western Civ. Now when they receive a little money from Molech their bodies swell up like balloons, they only want a comfortable life and cower before the government, running in terror and hiding from real work or a great act of boldness. This is why we in the west are weaker than the Arabs and the Eurasians, physically and spiritually, and why we need to hire foreign mercenaries in order to fight these wars because all the heroic instincts and masculine virtues have been extinguished by feminists and so-called social justice warriors. 

If you are a white male and you aren't thinking constantly about suicide: you aren't white. This may come as a surprise to our Marxists brothers and sisters, but it's the truth. 

Recall that Nietzsche's formula for a great life is to live dangerously. Seek out extreme experiences. Go to the top of the mountain to pray and tell no one of your discoveries. 

If you leap to your death in a blur of singing steel, cutting off the heads of corrupt politicians and gamblers, you will awaken from the dream. 

Remember, the assault rifle is your birthright. Don't let bitter dwarfs, soccer moms, and human trash masquerading as moral crusaders take it from you. Train with the rifle, let it's steel dissolve into your heart and your resolve will never waiver. Denounce the scoundrels and cowards who use subterfuge and poison tongues to deny you your right. 

Encourage fanaticism and be contrary to the spirit of this age which is corrupt and declining in learning. Embrace anachronism and study the past. #trollhard

Lift weights, get cardio iron pilled out. When you become perfect, then jump into your grave laughing.

Read books about terrorism, explosives, and assassination politics. Learn to use PGP in correspondence. Become a dangerous person. Remember ideas are the most dangerous weapons anyone can own. 

Protect the weak. Cultivate compassion but not pity. Take up meditation, practice daily. Always seek to improve your skills. On the day you become perfect: die. 

Native American spirituality and Eastern Religion are one in the same. Study both diligently. 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Defeated FB troll is defeat face

Might as well replace something that doesn't work with something that does, I suppose...
At Least 5 American Gun Nuts Shot Off Their Greatest Asset Since 2010 (VIDEO)
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  • 2 people like this.
  • Benjamin  You know you won't survive whats coming right?
  • Satori Harshaw You're too full of your own delusions to know what's coming. And all you seem to be trained for is running away. Big yawn.
  • Benjamin In 24 hours after your last cigarette you will be shitting yourself, curled in the fetal position with the wet dog shakes. Then there is a knock at the door...
  • Satori Harshaw Ben- You're a pretentious joke and no one takes you seriously.
  • Satori Harshaw Yup- that would be me something like 5 years ago. And I could have kicked your teeth in and split your skull just as easily fat as I can, now, puss boy.
  • Benjamin  One tubby tubby...two tubby tubby
  • Satori Harshaw Pick a place and let's see who walks away, cocksucker. I'm already committed to beating the shit out of you regardless, merely out of principle. So pick a time, pick a place and pick an intensive care ward.
  • Satori Harshaw You've got serious issues. I'm happy to slap them out of your gay little veggie ass.
  • Benjamin  lmao
  • Satori Harshaw Eventually I will tire of this. I will find where you are at. I will come out of nowhere and break as many bones as I can before I sit back to watch you whimper like the spoiled little bitch you are.
  • Benjamin  lol. Come at me bro.
  • Satori Harshaw I know where I live, cunt-boy. Show me where YOU live. See, I'm not worried that you know where I live because you are a gutless little shit. I, on the other hand, have no problem paying you a visit and snapping some ribs.
    9 mins · Like
  • Satori Harshaw If you're so certain, then stand and deliver. Otherwise, fuck off.
    5 mins · Like
  • Satori Harshaw You can put your pansy fists where your big, dick-slurping mouth is or you can vanish from my headache. Tired of your gutless nonsense.
    2 mins · Like
  • Satori Harshaw Okay. You had a chance to at least make up for being childish by pretending to be male. You can't mind your manners and you're too much of an infant to face the consequences, so you are insignificant, without honor and boring.
  • Benjamin  You should rest, your very old and you tire easily.
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