Wednesday, January 1, 2014

On the cali power grid attack we r just now hearing about...

zengphoo 1 day ago

MiddleAmericaMS  Google Ayers+White+House+visit for bigger worries than fictitious agitprop memes bouncing along our internet superspyway. For extra points run Obama+CIA+Wayne+Madsen.

@ELCID My neighborhood grid drops in a light wind once a month. You're falling for fear p0rn security theater. Sure there are easy ways. But they lack the fear factor. A shoot-em-up has drama and, more to the point, calls for SECURITY GOON SQUADS.

The PTB could deploy backup mains transformers on standby in strategic node locations, complete with mineral oil tankers ready to roll. Big transformers have ordering lead times in years. The Corps of Engineers do such logistics even in battle zones. We plebes don't get them in peacetime. Instead the PTB buy hollow-point bullets by the boatload.


If the PTB cared about your power, they'd unlock natsec secrecy slapped on stand-alone energy gen patents. The grid is long obsolete.

Triphase HV is century-old, horse-and-buggy tech for sheeple fleecing and control. Smart meters play a role, but think bigger. Think domination by energy and food. Do your Kissinger homework and google IMF+Riots.

Solar panels with decent efficiency are stamped secret or banned from import. You get only low-yield, expensive crapware. The PTB cannot suffer competition to energy monopoly. An illusion of choice is all you get.

Genius policy wonks: brush up on 'petrodollar' and 'interdependence' concepts. Plebes are meant to hang by threads, terrified of catastrophes requiring government moves. The playbook chapter is problem-reaction-solution.

Historians at CFR know Nimrod's playbook. He dispatched soldiers dressed as brigands into cities to make terror, but then promised deliverance from his uniformed army if only invited through the gates. Your final homework google term is Operation Gladio.

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