Monday, January 13, 2014

One side of the "gun conversation" lies...

Jack Meirod 4 days ago
First, haven't we been having a "conversation" for years?  Gun control/gun rights has been debated ad nauseum in the media (with the media usually coming down on the gun control side) and in the political arena.  The gun control side has, for the most part, not advanced it's cause or accomplished any of its goals.  Gun deaths and violent crime rates have been falling for years.  So what is it, exactly, that we need to "solve"?  Are we to engage in a futile and dangerous effort to create a utopia?  Are you saying we haven't had a "conversation" until gun control advocates accomplish what they want, which is the elimination of civilian gun ownership?

Second, it's impossible to have a "conversation" when one side lies.  Gun rights proponents are generally straightforward and honest about their beliefs:  the Constitution guarantees an individual right to possess and carry firearms; the exercise of such right by responsible people is a net benefit for society; people have a fundamental right to protect themselves and their families and are not required to rely on the government to do so.  Gun control advocates claim to just want 'reasonable' or 'common sense' restrictions yet support any and every restrictive measure no matter how illogical or lacking in supporting data -- often while giving lip service to "supporting the second amendment."  The measures they support simply do not reflect the facile, self-serving propaganda.

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