Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Defeated FB troll is defeat face

Might as well replace something that doesn't work with something that does, I suppose...
At Least 5 American Gun Nuts Shot Off Their Greatest Asset Since 2010 (VIDEO)
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  • 2 people like this.
  • Benjamin  You know you won't survive whats coming right?
  • Satori Harshaw You're too full of your own delusions to know what's coming. And all you seem to be trained for is running away. Big yawn.
  • Benjamin In 24 hours after your last cigarette you will be shitting yourself, curled in the fetal position with the wet dog shakes. Then there is a knock at the door...
  • Satori Harshaw Ben- You're a pretentious joke and no one takes you seriously.
  • Satori Harshaw Yup- that would be me something like 5 years ago. And I could have kicked your teeth in and split your skull just as easily fat as I can, now, puss boy.
  • Benjamin  One tubby tubby...two tubby tubby
  • Satori Harshaw Pick a place and let's see who walks away, cocksucker. I'm already committed to beating the shit out of you regardless, merely out of principle. So pick a time, pick a place and pick an intensive care ward.
  • Satori Harshaw You've got serious issues. I'm happy to slap them out of your gay little veggie ass.
  • Benjamin  lmao
  • Satori Harshaw Eventually I will tire of this. I will find where you are at. I will come out of nowhere and break as many bones as I can before I sit back to watch you whimper like the spoiled little bitch you are.
  • Benjamin  lol. Come at me bro.
  • Satori Harshaw I know where I live, cunt-boy. Show me where YOU live. See, I'm not worried that you know where I live because you are a gutless little shit. I, on the other hand, have no problem paying you a visit and snapping some ribs.
    9 mins · Like
  • Satori Harshaw If you're so certain, then stand and deliver. Otherwise, fuck off.
    5 mins · Like
  • Satori Harshaw You can put your pansy fists where your big, dick-slurping mouth is or you can vanish from my headache. Tired of your gutless nonsense.
    2 mins · Like
  • Satori Harshaw Okay. You had a chance to at least make up for being childish by pretending to be male. You can't mind your manners and you're too much of an infant to face the consequences, so you are insignificant, without honor and boring.
  • Benjamin  You should rest, your very old and you tire easily.
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